5: Secrets and changes

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Lydia's POV:

"Holy shit!" I yelped, and Martha jumped up.

"Wait what? You just cussed. Lydia Carson does not curse. What's going on?" She asked while sitting down next to me on the bed, causing me to practically slam my laptop shut.

"Nothing, it's nothing" I quickly said, but she obviously didn't buy that.

"Sure, Lyds. In the eight years that we've been friends, I've never heared you utter a single curse word. What's wrong?" She asked, and I sighed.

She was my best friend. I could tell her, right?

"The little, you know, the one I told you about? Yeah, turns out that I know him. We both do, actually. But he doesn't know that I know him. He'd kill me if he knew" I groaned, realizing what a weird situation I'd brought myself into.

"Really? Who is it? A guy from work? From the crew?" She asked, and I nodded.

"The crew? Oh this is fun. Is it Trevor? Ray? - Wait, it isn't Neill, is it?" She asked, and I shook my head.

"It- it's Colton" I said softly, and her eyes went giant.

"Wait. Holy fuck. Colton Zalamarez? Like, big, tough raging dominant Zalamarez? You're kidding me, right?" She asked, and I shook my head.

"Nope. Headspace 20 months" I said, and She let herself fall back on the bed.

"So what are you going to do about it? Are you gonna tell him?" she asked, and I deliberately shook my head.

"No. Not yet, anyway. I want to, but he's definetely not ready right now. I'll wait for the right time to tell him, or until he comes to me" I said, and she nodded.

"That might be for the best. This is really, really weird.  Your obsession with him does kind of make sense  now though" she chuckled, and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not obsessed with him" I declared, and she raised her eyebrows at me.

"Uh-huh. Now open your laptop and talk to your dream baby" She laughed, and I threw a pillow at her head before actually doing what she'd said. 

He was feeling scared, I could hardly leave him hanging.

I looked over his message again, and this time felt even more sorry for the little boy.

"Hey Zaz,

I'm very sorry to hear that. I know that everything must be very difficult and very confusing right now. I think it would be the best choice for you to buy diapers instead of pull-ups at  this point- I don't think it will be that noticeable, especially if you start wearing longer jackets, they should be very discreet. I can't even imagine what it must be like for you, to be so alone. 

You will also need to buy some rash cream, and apply it everywhere your skin is red or feels bad, okay?

I can't help you with your regressing body, no one can, but I wouldn't worry about the P-dom very much. We're forgiving people. I think that you might want to go to her at some point, she might very well be able to help you. 

But until you're ready, I will be here to talk to you, okay? You don't have to be scared. It will be okay, I promise.

Kisses and love,

Curly"  Is what I sent him, and I really hoped he would take my advice, because now that I knew who he was, it was going to be very difficult for me to keep my distance from him, especially because I  knew that he was in a very bad place.

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