39; meetings and interviews

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I have never been so drunk as while writing this. Seriously, yall should be proud of me. English  isn't even my first language. Enjoy!

Kinda made re-reading more fun, because I didn't remember writing any of this.

Except for the second half, which was written in the US where I now live. I was still slightly drunk for a part of it. I might have a problem. (Jk, I don't drink more than once a week, don't worry. Alcohol just gets my creative juices flowing).

Colton's POV:

I walked into the meeting room with my signature smirk, past the small group waiting there and straight to the front of the room. I placed my hands on the table, leaning forward, and taking a deep breath.

"Allright people, I know that I have been a bit absent in terms of company issues lately, but we're here to get off our asses and assess this situation. Felicity, welcome back. Fill us in on everything. Holly, take notes," I said, pointing my pen at Holly, who smirked.

"Yes boss."

It was good to be here again.

"Allright mister Zalamarez. I have obviously taken note of all of our locations, and they are now fully up to speed with our new policy. However, when I was contacting our partners from the last five years, I got an interesting offer from Disney. Ever since we worked on the first avengers movie, they've been interested in merging. They are planning to make you an offer somewhere within the next few months," Felicity said, and I recoiled slightly in surprise, catching myself immediately and putting my professional demeanor back on.

"That is major. Trevor, pros and cons," I said, pointing at the man, who started his presentation.

It lasted an hour.

"Allright, thank you Trevor. Holly, legal side?"

Yeah, that took another forty-five minutes. And I had to take the notes.

"Allright everyone. Take half an hour, except for you, Raymond. We need to go over the data together," I ordered, and everyone looked pretty relieved.

Except for Raymond, who carried the same annoyed look he'd probably had since mommy sent him the memo.

"Thank you sir," Trevor smirked before everyone made their way out of the office.

It was weird to have them call me sir again, but oh man was it a good weird.

"Raymond. Show me the numbers," I said, sitting down next to the balding man, who sighed while taking a folder from his briefcase. Sitting down, however, caused a sharp pain to shoot through my stomach straight through to a throb in my temples, and I had to bite back a wince.

"Allright, as you can see I have the charts here- please refrain from staring at the pretty colours on the charts and focus on the numbers-"

"I'm going to cut you off there, Raymond. The fact that you still manage to be rude to me from the get-go after what you did to me only showcases underlying issues that I do not want to get into. The thing is, Raymond, I've already looked at the numbers. That's not why we're here. I'm going to make you a one-time offer to buy your shares from you for 250.000 dollars," I said, and Raymond frowned.

"You wouldn't make me such an offer without ulterior motives. So of course I won't sell," Raymond scoffed, and I sighed deeply.

"Listen, I'm prepared to give you two days to think this over-"

"You're prepared to do that? You're a baby, and a joke. I won't sell, nothing you can say will change that," the owner interrupted.

"Fine," I said, straightening my back, internally purring like a cat at the outcome I'd secretly been hoping for. "That is very unfortunate. For you, that is. You will find that there will be large cuts in the shareholder department, and that we have a new algorithm that sadly makes your job redundant. I'm sending you into bankruptcy, Raymond. And I will expose what you did to me on a public media channel, ensuring that you will never get another chance to rebuild the fortune you are about to lose. Enjoy your final week as a rich man."

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