23: awkward phone calls and back to work

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Lydia's POV:

"Colton, wake up" I said softly, picking up Colton and chuckling when I noticed his onesie was undone, probably after a rough diaper change.

"Hey. Lydia? Martha! You guys are home!" Neill exclaimed, wanting to sit up quickly before realizing there was a sleeping baby on top of him.

I carefully picked Colton up, and while he remained asleep, something must've woken up because he started peeing.

The reason I noticed was that his diaper didn't hold anything and pee was streaming down his legs.

So I held him above the water-resistant changing mat until he was done. Meanwhile he woke up, crying in confusion and discomfort as soon as he opened his eyes.

"Okay, dammit, we need to get up to your bathroom. How did this even- Neill. How did you change his diaper?" I asked, lifting the flap of Colton's onesie to confirm my suspicions.

"I just- I mean, how many ways are there to change a diaper? I just put it on" he said, and I sighed.

"You put it on backwards. Let's be happy he didn't poop" I said while still holding Colton, who appeared to be done peeing but not crying, which was slowly turning in to frustrated whining, at an arm's length.

"Allright baby boy, let's get you into the tub and leave auntie Martha and Neill to talk" I said, and Martha hooked the diaper bag around my shoulder while I carefully carried Colton upstairs.

I had a replacement outfit for him, not for me.

"Uuuh" he whined, and I smiled in pity.

"I know baby, I know. It's all icky. Let's get you out of those clothes, huh?" I cooed, sitting him down in the bathtub and taking his sodden diaper and onesie off.

"What was that all about, huh?" I chuckled while he was still looking at me rather disgruntled.

"My diaper was weird and you didn't give me cuddles" he frowned, and I ruffled his hair while turning the faucet on.

"I'm sorry baby, but you were all wet! Get that pout off your face, sweetie" I said while bopping his nose.

"Did we have wrong diapers?" He asked, dismissing my last remark completely which didn't surprise but definitely amused me.

"No Colton, Neill just put it on backwards" I told him, at which he giggled.

"How is that- you know what, I can't judge. I can't change a diaper either" he said, and I chuckled before grabbing a washcloth and thoroughly cleaning him up, until he went really still-

Poop face. Of course.

I yanked him out of the water and placed the wriggling and wet boy on to the toilet which was luckily right next to it.

"Why do you always do this in the tub?" I huffed while holding him still on the toilet which he, despite all of his difficulties with being a little, had come to hate.

"I can't help it! No toilet" he whined, but I still held him still until I was sure he was done.

I wasn't going to make that mistake again.

"Allright, all done with the evil toilet" I chuckled while pulling him up, cleaning his butt with the hypoallergenic wipes before drying the rest of him off and getting him dressed in a new, properly applied, diaper and a clean outfit before putting the dirty onesie in a plastic bag and putting it back in the diaper bag.

"Allright baby boy, let's get home, huh?" I cooed, tickling his tummy before hoisting the diaper bag on my shoulder before lifting Colton on my hip and making my way downstairs to see Martha and Neill silently hugging.

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