17: coming out and broken bones

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Lydia's POV:

The moment Colton fell asleep, I made my way to his hospital room, where the others were waiting.

Apparently I was still looking pretty distraught, because Martha came up to me and gave me a hug.

"God, I hate seeing him like that" I whispered, and she pulled me tighter to her chest.

"I know. Come on, sit down" she said, and I frowned before doing as she said.

"Here, I got you a coffee" Mike said while handing me a cup, and I looked around in confusion.

"Guys, what's wrong?" I asked, and Neill sighed.

"They didn't catch her in time. It's all over the gossip websites- and blogs. Amd if it's this big now, I don't know what it's going to be by tomorrow" Neill said while handing me his phone, opened on the front webpage of US daily.

"COLTON ZALAMAREZ: lover or little?" Screamed the headline, and it was accompanied by a picture that made me drop my coffee immediatly.

"No. No, please tell me they didn't" I muttered, looking at the admittably beautiful, yet horrible picture at the webpage.

It was a picture of me holding Colton, pressing a kiss to his forehead. His tear-streaked face and pacifier were clearly visible to anyone who saw the photo, as were his pale blue onesie and the obvious diaper bulge underneath.

I scrolled down to read the article in shock, while what it said angered me even more.

"This morning, we received an anonymous tip that actor and business-man Colton Zalamarez was being taken to hospital in the city of Perth, Australia. Of course, we immediatly got multiple of our investigators in multiple hospitals undercover, and what we found at the st. Mary's was shocking to us, and likely to you as well.
The photo says it all, and now the only question is: has Zalamarez been lying about his classification all these years? Who is that woman with him? And lastly, what is going to happen to his business empire? US daily is eagerly awaiting a statement"

"God no. This isn't happening. What am I gonna tell him?" I said, and Martha looked at me in a mix of pity and determination.

"You're going to tell him that you couldn't stop it, but that it's going to be okay. And you might need to register as his caregiver officially as soon as possible, because there are going to be people who'll try to take his company away. If you're his official caregiver the final responsibility will be yours, so they legally can't" she said, and I nodded, burying my head in my hands. Only when the others went silent, I could hear the screaming from outside.

"What is that?" I asked, and Neill sighed.

"Fans and paparazzi. The moment the picture went up, a hoard started gathering" he said, and I had the distinct urge to punch a wall.

"Also, your phone has been ringing constantly, and since you're our manager that might not mean anything good" he said, and when I looked at my phone and saw many distressed calls from stakeholders, local managers and even producers of his old movies. Probably because he'd never played traditional little roles, and people were wondering if it was legal to show a little in action- and romance films.

I made up a mass e-mail, declaring that Colton's situation towards the company or any of his other responsibilities had not changed whatsoever. The situation was the same, and there would be no further information until an official statement had been released.

"Allright, they've been taken care of. Do you know if there's any way for us to immediatly appoint me as his official caregiver?" I asked, and Mike nodded.

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