24: success and mommy business

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A/N: I just picked a random marvel character and added him to a next avengers movie for plot's sake...
Also, this chapter is going to be very fluffy. enjoy!

Colton's POV:

I stepped in to the audition room, leaving mommy and Reggie behind to face the panel of producers and casting agents on my own.

"Good afternoon mister Zalamarez. We are very happy that you were willing to read for us on such a short notice. We are sorry for the inconvenience, but it took quite a bit of persuasion for the board to allow you to audition after your recent statements. And just as a disclaimer, you will not be playing a little sub, and you will be required to act in imitations of romantic, dangerous and violent situations. Do you understand and agree to this?" The front man asked, and I nodded. I'd expected something like this.

"I understand this and have counted on this. However, as an actor my needs have changed. I'm not able to make the long days I used to, and if I do need to spend an entire day on set I will need more breaks. These types of things will also need to be included in my contract, which both my caregiver and I need to sign" I said, and they luckily agreed.

The rest of the reading went pretty standard, I read the script they gave me and asked a few more questions about my wage (deep into the seven figures) and facilities (private changing room and facilities, plus an assistant. Also a sleeping space). And although they said they'd call me in a few days, I was pretty sure I got the job.

Luckily filming would start in two months, so my cast would be off and I could train my walking, at least in my big headspace.

Like the others, however, I wouldn't have to think about maintaining a muscled, buff physique. Giving me those modifiers was the one good thing my father did for me in all those years, in retrospect.

There were a lot of different types of modifiers, able to change size, shape and everything you wanted about yourself.

They hurt, though. That's why not that many littles chose to size down to their headspaces' size, and why not many people used them to get their ideal physique. Sizing down, of course, was only an ideal option for littles that didn't really go into an adult headspace. Or ones that were too big, like me, but I wasn't planning on getting them.

Giving me the modifiers to make me lighter had been incredibly uncomfortable. But the modifiers that made me buff had felt like fire raging through me for three weeks straight. That's not fun for a thirteen year old.

I also can't even imagine what Frank had to go through to get his tail and ears.

I stepped out of the audition room and smiled at mommy and Reggie.

"They're still gonna call me later, but I think I got it. We already discussed some contract agreements, for the final thing I'm gonna let you look at it, mommy. You know a lot about those kind of things." I said, and mommy immediatly hugged me.

"I'm so proud of you! I think we should celebrate by going out for dinner, what do you think?" She said, and I smiled.

"Indian?" I asked, and she raised an eyebrow.

"Honey, that is not going to sit well in your stomach how about something less spicy?" She said, and I sighed, still really needing to get used to my body being so fully regressed.

Though my stomach had honestly always been sensitive, and if being little explained that, that would probably save me some allergy tests.

And it would save me some diarrhea.

"Italian then?" I suggested, and she nodded.

"Reggie, do you want to come along?" Mommy asked, but the man shook his head.

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