42: Vanillas vs Littles

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Well, this took... way too long. Life's been a lot, but I'm here! I had a miscarriage, and then another, so writing about babies was really not something I wanted to do for a pretty long time. Also a parent with cancer, covid, a breakup and some overall health decline on my part. Buuuut I have to live with it, not against it, so here we are. This is kind of cathartic. Also, I got a ferret to fill the void and that's actually helping. So um, I hope yall are still here for this.. Enjoy!

Also, I painted my idea of Lydia. Different from her original character, but I feel like this look fits her a lot better.

Lydia's POV:

"What?" I murmured at my phone screen. What in the world was Martha up to now? And couldn't she have done this after a day where Colton wouldn't be completely sleep deprived?

Also, oh my god I was getting a day to myself with Jack. Yes.

A sleepy squirm on my lap informed me of more pressing matters, however, and I carefully stood up with Colton, trying to jostle him as little as possible.

"I know baby, it's sleeping time, isn't it? Mommy wishes she'd brought the stroller along today," I shushed, rubbing the baby's back and butt. "It's time to go home, isn't it?" 

The boy whined and nodded into my neck. However, we weren't able to leave just yet - the red-headed clerk who's name I'd forgotten from before knocked on the door, and after looking through the peeping hole Jerome let him in. "Miss Carson? It's the official break now, and mister Fallon is asking if you would still like to say a few words. The audience is really not happy about mister Zalamarez not coming back after the 'technical error'," he said, and my brow creased. I should've expected this. The audience paid for an experience they didn't get. I didn't know what Jimmy had said, but Colton left with no explanation while they were owed something.  It made sense that they were dissatisfied.

"Yeah, I guess I really should. Jerome, I'm so sorry, but could you watch Colton? I promise I won't be long, but I can't really leave without helping Jimmy out, not after him being so accommodating to us," I asked Jerome,  who looked from Colton to me with a raised eyebrow, seemingly very aware that the little boy would be very unimpressed if he woke up without me there.

"I know, I know. But I can hardly not do this. Ugh, I'm not even dressed for television," I muttered, looking at my nice, but pedestrian in comparison to what most celebrities wore, dress. It was pale green, form-fitting but comfortable enough to move in. It was also just an office dress. I fluffed my hair, hoping for some semblance of neatness in my messy curls, and looked back at the clerk, and then to Jerome.

"I'll double your pay for the night," I offered, and that seemed to pull the man over the edge.

"This baby better not have a meltdown when I'm alone with him," the man said, and I smiled sweetly. 

"He might! But um, everything you need is in the diaper bag!" I said with a wink, before following the clerk -Eric, that was his name- out the door. I was actually really worried about leaving Colton, but showing that to Jerome wasn't going to do anyone much good.

I looked at the time, and saw the show was supposed to only last half an hour more, and I figured Colton would sleep much longer than that with how tired the boy had been.

I followed Eric down to the backstage area, and I was gripped by nerves. I was about to go on live television in front of an audience unprepared, and I was expected to actually do things. How. How the hell did Colton do this? I was the backstage one. Never, ever the center stage one.

I sighed and made my way to the edge of the stage, and when the stage manager spotted me he went up to me, holding a clipboard.

"Alright miss Carson, we're going to have to move fast. There are 40 more minutes of screen time, and we need you to do a small interview and maybe some games. I have a script here, just modified, and I need to know what you are okay with. We were thinking of just going with egg Russian roulette, because it requires the least preparation, and Colton had already signed his consent to it," the manager said, and I sighed.

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