35; revelations and animal abuse.

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Hey sugar babies! I know how some of yall had a thing for doctor James Cole, so I decided to give him another cameo :) enjoy!

Lydia's POV:

I brought my hand to my mouth in shock for a short moment, before pulling Colton to my chest, obscuring his view from the horribly bruised pet.

"Chris.. Holy shit, who did this to you?" Tom asked softly, crouching down in front of the distressed man.

"I -I just bumped into the wall at home while playing, that's all," Chris said softly, clearly not even close to believing that he was being convincing.

"Chris, you were beaten. No one's going to believe otherwise, so who did this?" Scarlett asked, and he whimpered even louder. I felt Colton wriggle against me, his tears dampening my dress.

"Mommy, let me go," he said sternly.

"Sweetheart, I don't want you seeing this," I said, but he kept wriggling until I had to release him, at which the boy immediately flung himself around Chris's neck, and both subs started crying in earnest.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you," Colton said while Chris whimpered, tucking his head underneath the little's head and curling up as small as he could be.

"This is sub abuse. We need to tell someone about this," Evans said. "Look at those welts! They're bleeding!"

"This happened a very short while ago, probably today. Tomorrow it'll look even worse. We need to get him to a doctor," I said, knowing a little about this sort of thing -again, parent-little classes, and sadly this type of abuse happened more often between specialized couples.

"I-I can't, she'll get so angry, and they'll put me up for adoption! No one's gonna want to take me, she said so!" Chris spewed, and Tom crouched down in front of him.

"She? Did Elsa do this, boy?" He said, tipping up the pet's chin so he could look into his eyes.

Chris just whimpered and tried to look away, making it rather evident that his wife indeed had something to do with the pet's horrible injuries.

"Does anyone know? How long has this been going on?" Scarlett asked forcefully, startling the pet into backing up even further.

"Shh, calm down boy. You're okay. Can you answer?" Asked Tom, and Chris took a deep, shuddery breath.

"No one knows. It started a few months ago, and I don't know why! I tried to be a good boy, I really did!"

"I know, I know you did. Calm down puppy, you're okay now," Tom said, and Colton curled around Chris even more protectively.

"You're scaring him! Go 'way!" The boy exclaimed, seemingly not understanding what all the grown-ups were asking on about.

"Sweetheart, the grown-ups need to know everything that happened to Chris so we can help him, okay?" I explained, but the boy didn't seem convinced.

"Nuh! 'Acause he's icky an' scared an' he needs snuggle time, not talking!"

"I know little man, and you're being such a good protector," I said to the boy, who was clearly confused and working himself up even more. "But you don't want Chris to feel even more icky, do you?"

The boy seemed affronted at this. "Nuh!"

"Of course you don't! So that's why you need to let the grown-ups help Chris, allright?" I said, and he started a hesitant nod before focusing on something behind us.

"Noh! No him!" He said, and I turned around to see Paul walking towards us.

"What's it this time -holy shit man, what happened to Chris?" The actor said when he noticed the two forms on the floor.

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