31; cancelled fittings and apparently we're dog-sitters now

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Okay, so it was a tie between Spideys and Sugar Babies, (because commenting twice doesn't count) so I've decided to go with Sugar Babies :)

Also, quick question, which classification do you think you would be? I'd definitely be a P-dom or an Owner.

Lydia's POV:

"Okay, that's the bodyguard. I guess that's my cue," I told Robert, who smirked.

"You made your bodyguard babysit? That's actually pretty smart. We should do that with Chris," he said, seeing as the pet sub was currently noisily consuming most of the sandwiches on the table.

"Well then. I'm going to check how much I can salvage in terms of lunch, and then I guess I'll head up," I said, grabbing a couple of the sandwiches Chris hadn't gotten his hands on, as well as a banana before heading up.

"Hey, you called? I came immediately, but I was talking to Robert so I couldn't pick up," I told Jerome, who was holding a squirming Colton.

"He heard you leave, apparently, and refused to go back to sleep," the man said, and I sighed before taking Colton from his arms.

"What's that all about, buddy?" I said, and he whined.

"Left me 'lone," he protested, and I sighed. I should've known that he'd still be pressing that. After all, the whole hospital ordeal was only four days ago.

"I was just getting something to eat and retrieving your script, sweetheart. Let's go back to sleep, huh? I'll stay here this time," I told him, and he looked at me sceptically.

"Big promise?"

"Yeah sweetheart, big promise," I smiled, laying him back down in the nap pod, rubbing circles on his lower back and butt until he nodded off again.

"Sleepy, sleepy baby," I chuckled, turning to Jerome.

"I'm sorry for leaving you with him, I should've known he would do this," I said, and the man tipped his nonexistent hat.

"No problem. Do you still need me here?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"No, we're fine. Thank you," I said, dismissing the man, who made his way out of the private room, leaving me to my lunch.

I calmly read through the script while Colton napped, highlighting some scenes I deemed inappropriate- no way there was going to be a nude scene with my baby involved- and around the time I was done, Colton stirred.

"Hey sweetheart! Did you have a good nap?" I cooed, and he sloppily rubbed his eyes.

"Yea. Cuddles," he said, reaching out for me, and I happily obliged.

"Cuddles and a change," I commented, and while the boy whined he remained a boneless heap of baby while I made quick work of changing his diaper.

"Are you hungry, sweetheart? Do you think we could try a sandwich, or should we stick with a banana?" I asked, and he made grabby hands for the plate with sandwiches.

"Allright then," I smiled, feeding him bites of the turkey sandwich until he'd finished two full sandwiches.

"All done? Do you want to go back downstairs?" I asked, and he scrunched up his nose.

"Yea, but I gotta get big first," he said, rubbing his temples and taking a few deep breaths. "Why is this always so much more difficult than aging down?"

"Wait, you've aged down on purpose before?" I smirked, and the boy blushed.

"A few times, yeah."

"That is so adorable! And a lot of progress for someone who claims he doesn't like being little," I said, pressing a kiss to his forehead, and he pushed me away with a whine.

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