37; adorable kids and hey! Felicity's back

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I've been planning Felicity's comeback, and with her some actual business for mommy's little business-man for quite some time now, but things like animal abuse and secret sex scenes got inbetween..

So yeah, here's Felicity and possibly revenge on Raymond :)

Also I got to 3000 (Felicity-less) words and then accidentally uploaded it. Sorry... And yeah Felicity might only appear very late into the chapter.

Okay Felicity's basically a cliffhanger now.

And I also couldn't manage to get it wrapped up, so now it's 7500 words... ah well

Lydia's POV:

I pulled on a silky nightgown after the shower, and opened the door to the nursery to check on Colton and Ruby, and the sight of them honestly made me melt.

The two littles were curled around eachother, Ruby practically sprawled on top of Colton with her legs around the boy's sleeper, shielding the younger little who had one hand curled into her shirt. Ruby's thumb was loosely in her mouth, while Colton's moustache pacifier was bobbing rhythmically.

"Jack, put on some boxers and watch this," I whispered, and the man smiled widely at the two littles.

"We need to get a picture of them," he said, and I went to the bedroom where I wrangled my phone from my pants, which were still tangled on the floor, and made my way back.

"I want a photo album with the two of them," I whispered to Jack who nodded happily.

"How did we get such adorable littles?"

"Probably witchcraft," I deadpanned, and Jack couldn't stop the loud snort that escaped him at that.

"Ma-ah?" Colton asked drowsily, and I walked up to him, running my hand through his hair.

"It was just uncle Jack being silly, sweetheart. Go back to sleep," I assured the boy, who looked to be practically asleep again already.

"Kay. Buh-bye ma-mah. Bye dah-dee."

I froze at that, and so did Jack who was still standing in the door opening. There was no way that the boy would remember any of this in the morning, luckily, but it did make me wonder if that was what Colton wanted, and what he felt.

"Did he just?" Asked Jack dumbfounded when I closed the nursery door, and I nodded.

"Yeah, I think he did."

"I told you that they're way too smart," he said, not able to suppress a grin at the baby's words.

"Still, we need to figure out what we are before we start stimulating behavior like this. But first, we need to get some sleep," I smiled, pulling Jack with me in bed and exchanging a few giddy kisses until we fell asleep.

Colton's POV:

I woke up with a heavy (or anyway, heavy for me) weight on top of me, and at first I didn't realize what it was until I registered the snores and remembered that Ruby and uncle Jack had stayed over. I remembered having a weird dream involving mommy and uncle Jack where I called uncle Jack daddy, and I snorted at the idea.

There was no way those two were ever going to admit their feelings to each other. Not without..

"Ruby! Wake up!" I hissed, startling Ruby awake.

Luckily, she also appeared to be big, judging from the curses she emitted after biting her thumb.

"Colton! The fuck, man?" She mumbled, rubbing her thumb.

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