21: doctors and theme parks

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Lydia's POV:

During breakfast I noticed that Colton was still extremely squirmy, and I had noticed his rash getting worse. I wasn't sure if it was anything serious, but just to be sure I'd decided to call the local pediatrician for a check-up later that morning. Afterwards, Holly had invited us for a surprise trip to a theme park to celebrate Colton's coming out.

At this moment in time, Colton was aware of neither of these things.

At least my new baby furniture would be installed the next day.

Being rich had its advantages.

"Colton, sweetie? We're going to have to get ready soon. I'm really worried about your rash, so I've made doctor's appointment" I carefully told him, but he still reacted like I suspected he would.

"Noh! I'm an adult, you need to ask me before doing that! So now I'm not going!" He exclaimed, shaking his head wildly for emphasis.

"Baby, I know. And I'm sorry, allright? Next time I'll talk to you first. But I was just really worried about you, and I could hardly ask when you were asleep! And if we don't go to the doctor, we won't be able to go see the surprise afterwards either" I bargained, and all of a sudden he looked much more inclined to come to the doctor with me.

"There's really a surprise?" The little inquired, and I smiled.


"Yeah, Holly invited us" I said, and he sighed.

"Oh-kay. But only because Holly invited us and she would be sad if we didn't go" he complied, and I picked him up.

"Yay! Let's get you dressed in some big-boy clothes, huh? And tomorrow, all your new furniture will be here!" I exclaimed in excitement while tickling his stomach.

"My furniture?" He asked, and I smiled.

"Yeah, I don't feel comfortable with you running around here, it isn't safe when you're little. So I've hired a few guys to set up a bit of a nursery, babyproof the house, things like that. If you're going to live here, we're going to do it properly." I told Colton, who blushed a little.

"I- well, I guess I could see why it would be neccesary. I'm still really sorry about the vase" he said softly, and I chuckled.

"I told you, it's okay. I didn't like it that much anyway. Now, give me your arm" I said, carefully putting Colton's cast in a sling after getting him dressed in some soft jeans and a button-up over his onesie.

I got his diaper bag and swung it over my shoulder.

"Jerome! Thank you for driving us here" I greeted the man before strapping Colton in to his car seat and getting in next to him.

"Allright now, you don't have to be nervous about the doctor, okay? It's just going to be a little check-up" I reassured him while we were driving to the hospital.

"I know. I just really don't like hospitals. Nothing is ever nice in there. Also, this problem is kind of embarrassing." He said, and I pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"It isn't! It's something a lot of littles go through. But if you're still this nervous, do you want Spidey for when we're waiting?" I asked, and he nodded.

We drove up to the hospital, and I grabbed Spidey from the diaper bag before getting the carrier-carseat crossover from the car and flipping down the cover so Colton wouldn't be recognizable for the other patients.

We sat down in the waiting room at the pediatric ward, where I lifted the hood of the carrier to see Colton half-asleep with his thumb in his mouth, Spidey's paw brushing his nose.

Mommy's little Business-ManOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora