20: milestones and awkwardness

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Colton's POV:

"You can do this, baby. Don't worry, I'll be standing right behind this curtain" mommy assured me when I was called forward to go on stage, to start the conference.

"And I'm right next to you, dude. Let's go" Neill said with a soft pat on my shoulder. Mommy adjusted my tie, and I awkwardly straightened my shirt.

The suit felt weird, the tie felt weird, everything felt weird.

It might just have been the nerves, but spidey and my paci might have made this situation a lot easier.

But I was going in with a onesie underneath my suit, a clean diaper and determination.

"Allright, let's go." I said before stepping out, being hit by the applause immediatly.

"Good afternoon everyone, and thank you for joining Neill and me for this conference. I see multiple familiar faces here, who I'm hoping are here to support me." I said politely, before taking a deep breath.

I had to give my statement now, and before the questions. And I really didn't want to.

"If you would all be silent? Yes, thank you." Neill interrupted, and I gave him a grateful glance before setting my eyes back on the public, which included many live news stations, many journalists, fans and even people I'd worked with over the years.

"Thank you. Now, as you all know we are here to talk about recent pictures and rumours about me that have been spread out. And first of all, I would like to say that in my professional life, everything is going to stay the same. I will still be returning to acting, and I will do this in the same genres as before. I still have the capabilities I've always had, and I will make as little adjustments to my professional life as possible. I want to make this clear, because I have heard all of my life that this wasn't possible. And now I'm going to stop stalling and tell you this.. The rumours are true. I'm not a dom, I am a little." I said, pressing my hands on the table in front of me to hide their trembles when the room went wild.

Everyone was asking questions through eachother, screaming for my attention.

"Everybody QUIET!" Neill exclaimed into his microphone with a slam on the table, and everybody sat back.

"Allright people. We have a pre-set order of people who can ask questions. Please remain calm and keep to this order, thank you. Now can the first reporter step forward?" I asked professionally.

"Hello sir, thank you for having us. I'm from the USA Today, and we would like to know why you lied about your classification?" A scrawny man asked, and I sighed.

"Well, this is rather personal, but in my childhood I was told that specialized Subs were not capable of handling professional situations, much less an entire company or a stressfull position in the acting industry. When I was twelve, someone in my childhood home, which was very conservative, injected  me with designer modifiers to change my appearance to one of a dominant. When I turned eighteen and received my classification, I was so indoctrinated with fear I didn't even consider coming clean about my classification. This may have been an unwise decision, but it gave me the time I needed to come to terms with who I am" I explained, and the reported thanked me before sitting back down.

"Is it legal for a Little Sub to own a company?" The next reporter asked, and I chuckled humourlessly. This one was very much to be expected.

"Yes. I have looked in to this a lot, and since I am still a legal adult I am still allowed to own the company." I told the woman.

"Are you claimed?" The next one asked, and at this question I smiled genuinly.

"Yes, I am. I have a full-time caregiver who is officially registered to my name. She is here today, but she would like to remain anonymous for a little while longer" I said, wanting to spare mommy the spot light for a little longer.

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