44: Of fuzzy days and happy talks

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A/N: I was in the mood for some fluff, so here's like 10K words of it. Enjoy!

Lydia's POV

Jack and I talked the rest of the day away, only stopping for a small round of card games, dinner and another slow, gentle lovemaking session on the canopy bed inside. It was absolutely incredible, and I almost didn't want the day to end.

However, when the doorbell rang slightly past dinner and we knew we were getting picked up, I also couldn't contain my excitement to see Colton again. My baby and I were codependent, and people were just going to have to deal with that.

"Oh come on, you can't say you haven't been missing Ruby," I therefore stated when Jack laughed at me asking how long the car ride would take for the third time.

"I can't deny that, but you're being impatient and cute as hell, mama bear," he grinned, pulling me closer to him in the back of the car.

"Shut up. I'm allowed to be worried about my baby! Especially after the night he's had at the Tonight show," I said, playfully pushing at the man's chest.

"Alright, alright! I miss my little munchkin too, and I'm curious to see how Martha and Neill got along with them today," Jack smiled, making me chuckle at the memory of Neill and Colton sound asleep on the couch.

To be fair, Martha and Neill also once made him chase a toy car like a dog while he was sick.

"It's really a toss-up with those two, not gonna lie," I therefore stated, and Jack chuckled.

"Eh, I trust them. What's the worst that could happen?"

It only took about thirty more minutes for us to reach home, and after once again tipping our driver, we made our way inside.

To four people completely covered in spaghetti.

"Uh.. Hey guys, how was your date?" Neill asked after a moment of awkward silence.

"Mah-ma!" Colton cut through at the top of his lungs, wriggling in his seat and reaching grubby hands out to me.

"Oh my goodness baby boy, what did you all get up to?!" I exclaimed, walking up to the boy and standing still in contemplation of how to go about this without getting covered in tomato sauce. I opted for quickly wiping him down and taking off his ruined onesie before cuddling the boy close.

"Mama! Mah-ma," the boy babbled, snuggling his face into the crook of my neck and curling his fingers into my hair, apparently unbothered by only being in a diaper and a pair of socks.

"Yeah sweetheart, Mama's right here," I cooed, a big smile spreading across my face before I looked back at the other three.

"So... Seriously, what happened?" I asked with a small chuckle at the situation.

"Your littles cannot be trusted around food, that's what. This is the second time today!" Martha said breathlessly, looking much worse for wear.

I think I even saw some noodles in her hair.

"Second time today?" Jack asked, and a grin spread over Ruby's face.

"Chocolate and banana," she smirked, and Neill rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, we got pictures," he said, and Ruby quieted down at that one.

"You didn't think to just... Feed them? I never let Colton feed himself messy stuff," I deadpanned. Martha and Neill looked at each other in a sudden realization.

"We... We really need more practice," Neill said weakly, and everyone burst out laughing this time. Even Colton managed a giggle into my neck.

"Mama back," he sighed contently, and I ran a hand through his hair.

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