7: talks and secrets

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Colton's POV:

I woke up feeling more rested than I had in a while, and stretched out on the bed, feeling my hand bump into.. Something fluffy? I opened my eyes to see a teddy bear tucked underneath my head, and felt my wet diaper at the same moment as I noticed the pacifier in my mouth.

That's when everything that had happened before came back to me, and I started breathing faster as I heard the televison and realized the two women were still in the next room. 

I didn't know what to do, but I did realize Lydia and me needed to talk. So I got up, leaving the pacifier on the dresser..

But I couldn't leave spidey the bear, could I? He'd get lonely, and scared. 

So I took the bear, and exited the bedroom to face the two women, who were talking animatedly while sitting on the couch.

"Hey Colton, did you sleep okay? Why don't you come sit with us?" Lydia said with a smile, and I nodded before sitting down on the chair across the couch.

"I'm really, really sorry you had to see that. I've never fallen into headspace before, and I- I'm just really sorry" I said, and Lydia walked up to the chair I was sitting down on and crouched in front of it, which for some reason made me feel littler than when she was towering over me if she stood while I sat. 

"Hey. I told you before, there's nothing to be sorry for. You don't have to apologize for something that you need, something you can't help. I would love to help you from now on" She said while rubbing my knee.

"Speaking of, I think we should go into the bathroom right now, don't you think?" She said, and I blushed a bright red, but nodded.

How had she even known?

She walked me into the bathroom, and directed me to lay down on the changing mat. 

That position was so vulnerable that I couldn't help burieng my face in Spidey's stomach.

"Next time you have to tell me immediatly if you need to be changed, okay? Otherwise your rash will get even worse than it is now" She said, and I nodded.

"How did you know?" I asked, and she chuckled.

"There's a little red line on your diaper that appears when it's been used. Your sweatpants had sagged a little, so I could see it" She said before pulling off my sweatpants and opening the tabs of my diaper,making me whine in embarrassment while burieng my face even deeper into Spidey's stomach.

"Hey, none of that now. Where'd your pretty face go?" Lydia asked while rubbing my stomach, and I just whined in response, making her chuckle.

"Allright, well, can you raise that little tush for me? I need to clean you up" She said, and I did as she asked while she gently wiped me down.

It still stung on my rash, though, and I tried to wiggle free, but she gave me a condescending tap on my leg.

"I know it's not comfy, but if I don't clean you up it's only going to get worse" She said before sliding another diaper onto me and grabbing some kind of paste, spreading the thick stuff all over my rash. 

"That doesn't feel nice" I said, and she chuckled.

"I know, but it's gonna be a part of this routine for a few more weeks" She said before sprinkling some powder- I didn't know that was neccesary- over my front and my diaper before taping it up and helping me back into my sweatpants.

"Allright, all done. Now, let's get you something to eat, and discuss how we're going to do this" She said, and I frowned.

"Do what?" I asked, and she smiled.

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