30; vomiting and cast meetings

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Colton's POV:

"Okay sweetheart, calm down. Is it all out?" Mommy asked, rubbing my back after I violently expelled my breakfast into the sink.

It was the morning of the cast meeting, and I'd woken up nauseous and with a slight headache, even though my fever had almost died down. My skin had also almost healed, so I at least didn't look like a red lizard person anymore, except on the few patches on my upper arm, but no one got to see those today anyway.

"I think everything's out," I said with a cough, and mommy picked me up.

"Allright, sweetheart. I guess that means pancakes are still a no-go. Do you think it was nerves, or is it still because you were ill?" Mommy asked, and I shrugged. It had been difficult for me to fall asleep the night before, because I didn't know what to expect when going back into the industry as a little, so part of this was probably nerves.

"Bit of both," I said softly, and she pressed a kiss to my forehead before heading upstairs.

"You know most of them though, don't you? I'm sure they will treat you like they would any other colleague," she reassured, and I bit my lip in nervousness.

"But what if I slip on set? Or when I have to be changed?" I asked, having no clue on how to live that down.

"Then they'll understand that it's not your fault. It's going to be fine, baby boy," she said, reassuring me with a few pats to my backside, which I was finally coming to terms with, and I sighed.

"But specialized subs almost never get a part. What if they get angry or if I'm no good anymore?"

"You told me yourself that Chris Hemsworth is a pet! So that means that there'll be at least one other specialized sub on set, doesn't that say something?" Mommy said, and I nodded, not being able to say anything because she'd somehow managed to get a toothbrush in my mouth.

"Yeah, but I've never met Chris, so I don't know what he's like. I don't know Tom either. It's making me kinda more nervous," I said after, and mommy ran her hands through my hair.

"Let's not worry any more, allright? You can nap some more in the car, I'll give you a bottle for breakfast. Let's do everything to make sure you don't slip during the meeting," she said, and before I knew it, I was being strapped into my car seat with Spidey under my arm and a bottle in my hand.

Mommy clambered in next to me, since uncle Jerome was driving, and soon enough I'd nodded off.

"Is this already a shooting day?" I vaguely heard uncle Jerome ask, and mommy's hand found its way to my knee.

"Not yet, luckily. Today is just a meeting, the actors will get to see the full scripts for the first time and costume measurements will be taken. And some rehearsals will be planned actual filming isn't going to be for a little while more, and I'm kind of happy for that. I want him to ease back into a work schedule slowly," mommy said, and I smiled a little behind my pacifier- when had that appeared? Before nodding off again.

"Colton? Hey sweetheart, we're at the studio. You have to wake up," mommy's voice said softly, and I opened my eyes, blinking against the light falling into the car.

"Huh?" I emitted, confused about what we were doing there again. I honestly would just prefer to go back home and play with Spidey and my other bears.

"Sweetie, are you little right now?" Mommy asked, and I looked at her for a second, a bit puzzled.

"Yeah, you are, huh?" Mommy asked, and I nodded.

"Wanna go home an' play," I said, and mommy sighed.

"Sweetheart, I need you to be big for a little while, okay? Can you do that for me?"

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