46: Of Bouncing Booties and Baby Testing

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A/N I just found my concept for this story from 8/9 years ago.. This is not how it went lol.

For anyone who's curious, it was supposed to be a lot smuttier, Colton wasn't ace and a total, very sexual brat instead. Story concept itself was also... Darker. But oh well, we're fluffy now! I regret nothing.

Though, I mean, we could go a little darker. I have some ideas... What do you guys think?

(No worries, Colton is staying ace either way, that's who he is and I'm not taking that away. That'd feel very wrong).

Lydia's POV

Three days of rehearsals had flown by, and Friday had arrived quickly. That morning, I was supposed to take Colton for his reclassification test.

Which wouldn't be a problem, except the boy had figured out a new hobby in the last few days.

When Colton was very little and in a "funny," mood, he decided that taking off his diaper and running around the place naked was the absolute height of comedy. Until I caught him, or he got a little bigger and became embarrassed, or he had an accident and started crying.

I hadn't even known he could take his diaper off. Sadly, putting one on was a different story.

Currently, Colton was giggling as he toddled around the house holding a torn-off (luckily fresh) diaper with his recently cleaned little butt bouncing in the breeze.

It would have been hilarious if we didn't have to leave in fifteen minutes.

"Colton, get over here right now! Mama isn't joking," I warned, chasing the boy into my bedroom after he'd escaped the nursery. All I'd wanted was to change his diaper and leave. Couldn't even have that.

Colton, for his part, just giggled and tried to jump on to my bed. I caught him mid-jump and pulled him towards me.

"It is not nakey time, little man. Come on, we have to get some pants on you," I told the boy, tossing him over my shoulder and walking him down to the nursery.

"Mama! Diapee off!" The boy shrieked in protest, though through his stream of naughty little giggles I found it hard to take seriously.

"Diaper on, baby boy. Come on, you wiggly worm! We have to get to the doctor's," I told him, strapping him down on the changing table and making quick work of getting a diaper and some pants on him.

I got him bundled in the car, a pacifier and Spidey serving as distractions as we drove to the doctor's office. I seemed to be more nervous than Colton himself, but that might have something to do with how very little the boy was this morning.

We pulled into the parking lot and I settled the boy on my hip. I was pretty sure even holding his hand was him running off waiting to happen and the boy had made it clear the car seat was a no-no right now, so better safe than sorry.

The waiting room was almost empty, only one middle-aged man and his presumably daughter quietly reading magazines. Colton and I made our way to the front desk and were told it would be about a five minute wait. I sat down next to the babies' play table and plopped the boy and Spidey on the play mat, where Colton immediately focused on the colorful wooden blocks. He didn't really seem to register or care where we were at, and I wasn't going to ruin that right now.

I got to chatting with the father -it was indeed a father and his 16-year-old daughter- and before we knew it, we were called up by a smiling doctor's assistant. The young man guided us to the office, where our GP greeted us with a smile.

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