14: lightweights and balance

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OMYGOD GUYS WE'RE AT 1K!! Thank you guys so much for reading this!! You're awesome :) Sorry for the late chapter, I didn't have wifi for eleven days, and I went through a breakup.. Picture above is Trevor :)

Lydia's POV:

I fed Colton a bottle, and rocked him until he fell back asleep. It had honestly been terrible timing of the guys to get back to the wagon, because I'd preferred it if his nap had been a lot longer.

"So, he's basically going to be as light as an actual child when this is over?" Holly asked, and I chuckled.

"He's not going to be as light as an actual twenty-month old child, if that's what you're wondering. He's going to be about two-fifth of his current body weight, making it easy for me and most people to pick him up and carry him around, about the same way other littles can, although Colton might become a little lighter than that." I explained, and she chuckled.

"That will be a weird experience, being able to pick him up" she said, and I looked over her skinny, 5"4 frame.

"Yeah. Yeah, that would definetely be weird" I said while gently stroking the hair of the 6"2 man sleeping on my lap. He stirred a little at the touch before relaxing again, cuddling into me with his pacifier bobbing softly between his lips.

"I'm really glad that you two got together. I have no idea how he could've kept this side of him hidden, but I have to say that I was completely surprised to find out about him. He just seems so much more at peace right now" Holly said, and I nodded.

"I'm happy I found him. And I think everyone was surprised, he's very good at his act" I sighed., and Martha chuckled while sitting down next to us.

"Well, at least he's fine now. And he's a cute kid. You don't have to worry about him anymore, he has you now" She assured me, and I smiled at her.

"Thanks, Martha. So, girl talk, how are you and Neill?" I asked, and she smiled at me.

"Well, first of all, let's just say I'm really glad I didn't get off the pill" She smirked, and Holly immediatly propped her arms up on the table enthusiastically.

"Oooh! Naughty! Tell me all the details" She smirked, and I rolled my eyes at her fondly.

"Holly, real talk, are you a nymphomaniac?" I asked, and she laughed.

"Of course not. I'm just really into experimenting. But this is not about me, this is about Martha. So, how is he?" Holly said, whispering the last part while glancing over at an oblivious Neill.

"Oh my god, Holly! Okay, fine. He's.. He's just really great. He made me come four times last night!" She exclaimed, and I may have slightly gawked at her.

That was impressive.

"Woah. But I didn't even hear anything! What did you guys do?" Holly asked, and Martha blushed and stuck her tongue out at the smaller woman.

"Just.. The usual, I guess. Some.. Ehm.. Oral stuff. Nothing out of the ordinary" she huffed, and Holly sighed.

"I'd forgotten you're a bunch of vanillas.. Ugh, isn't there anyone here with interesting stories?!" She exclaimed loudly, startling Colton awake.

"Moh-mee?" He asked softly, tears welling up in his eyes.

"My head feels icky. And my muscles too" he said, and I pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"I know, baby boy, I know. Why don't we get you a nice bottle, huh? Doctor Yakamura said that you have to drink a whole lot. If you go sit with Martha for a little while, mommy will be right back, okay?" I cooed, and he nodded, clicking his tongue to the roof of his mouth to signal that he wanted his pacifier, which had fallen out of his mouth and was now dangling from the chord attached to his onesie.

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