33; strollin' about and why vanilla is suddenly my least favorite flavor

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Do you know how risky it is to write a scene about ducks when you've had a few glasses of wine?

This chapter was a minefield of dicks before I edited it.

Colton's POV:

I woke up, and immediately smacked my lips, frowning at the loss of my paci.

My eyes were already welling up by the time I'd registered the fact that it was gone.

Almost immediately, mommy got in, and I reached for her with both hands, an inexplicable sense of distress coursing through me. She needed to cuddle me, right freaking now.

"Hey baby, what's with the tears? Where'd my happy boy go?" She asked, or more accurately cooed, and I almost immediately calmed down.

"Paci, ma-mah," I said, and I frowned again. Why wouldn't my mouth form the words like I wanted them to?

Well, if my brain was confused and I didn't have anything to do today, it was probably best to fully age down. I took a deep breath, and allowed my headspace to drop. It was much easier and much more relaxing than aging up, and soon my mind was focused on more pressing matters. Like, why was there still no paci?

"Paci, m-maah!"

"Did you lose your paci? Is that what all this ruckus is about, huh? Let's go grab you another one, I'll find and clean this one later," mommy said, interrupting my train of thought, and I nodded.


Well, at least I got my excitement across. Pacis were a big deal.

"Allright buddy. You're all over the place, huh?"

That was true.

"Yuh!" I exclaimed, kicking wildly in emphasis. "Over th' place."

"Okay then. Breakfast?" Mommy asked, and I nodded furiously.

Now that it was brought up, I was probably the most hungry anyone had ever been in the whole world.

"Noh high chair! Ma-mah!" I yelled when she put me down, but she just bopped my nose.

"Yes high chair, sweetheart. Mommy has to make breakfast for the both of us, and I can't keep an eye on you the whole time," she said, and I whined loudly.


"Well, if that's not your favourite word I don't know what is. Here, do you want to eat this banana by yourself?" Mommy asked, and I shot up.

I liked bananas! And I could definitely peel and eat one by myself!

Except that it was kind of difficult with my current strength and coordination and therefore took up all of my attention for quite a bit. By the time I was done, mommy was sitting across from me with an empty smoothie glass, finishing off a sandwich before holding up a bottle.


"Yea!" I replied. I was still hungry! And bottles were great because they usually meant snuggle time!

"Okay buddy, do you wanna do that by yourself too?"

My eyes widened, and my bottom lip stuck out. Big me always did that by himself, I didn't when I was little!

"Mommy's just joking, sweetheart. Come here," mommy said soothingly before picking me up out of the high chair.

"Bottle snuggle time," I let her know matter-of- factly, and she chuckled.

"Yeah baby, bottle time is snuggle time."

When I was halfway through the bottle, mommy's phone rang. And much to my dismay, she picked it up, removing some of her attention off me.

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