32; accidental kisses and jealousy

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Hello my little Sugar Babies! As you can see by the title, this chapter's gonna be one angsty son of a bitch! Also, per request, here's a full little day for Colton!

Another little question: who is/are your favourite characters?

Mine are Ruby, Holly and Frank (not even one of the mains.. ah well)

Also I'm in Italy for the week YAAAS

Lydia's POV:

I'd ordered a few professional painting supplies the night before, for next-day delivery, and went to bed completely annoyed with myself for forgetting Ruby's birthday.

The next morning, Colton was still very much little. Not that it mattered all that much, since we were going to be surrounded by people who knew Colton as a little anyway.

I'd decided to leave after Colton's nap, so he'd last longer at the party, which appeared to have been a good decision in terms of the baby's mood.

"Hello baby boy," I cooed at the boy, who smiled brightly and reached for me.

"Oh, someone's in a happy mood! Let's get you changed and get some lunch into you, huh?" I cooed, and the boy simply responded by grabbing a handful of my hair.

"Okay, let's not do that. That's attached to mommy's head, sweetheart."

I quickly changed his diaper after dislodging his hands from my hair.

"Let's not do that again, okay sweetheart?" I said, getting him dressed in some elastic-waisted jean shorts and his spider-man hoodie.

"Do you know what we're gonna do today?" I asked after I'd made some food, and the boy looked up at me over his bottle with fuzzy confusion. "We're going to Ruby's birthday party!"

"Play?" He asked in return, and I chuckled.

"Yeah, sweetheart, you can play when we're there. There will even be some other littles from Ruby's daycare!"

This seemed to need some time to register with him.

"They're nice?"

"Of course they're nice! No need to be nervous at all. Plus, auntie Martha and Neill will be there, same as Frank and uncle Mike, and I heard that they invited Trevor and Holly as well!" I said, and Colton nodded hesitantly.

"Kay,"  he said softly, and I tickled his stomach.

"Now where did my smiley little boy go? Maybe you're just too tired, maybe I should get you back to bed."

"Noh! Not tired moh-mee!"

"Are you sure? It looks like you're very tired! I think you need to sleep a bit more. Or I should bring the new stroller, so you can sleep the whole time when we're there," I insisted, tickling at the boy's sides until he burst out in laughter.

"Nuh! Party, mah-ma!" He wheezed through his giggles, and I chuckled before lifting the boy out of his high chair.

"I think a change is in order first, don't you?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Yea! Quickly!" He said, and I brought him upstairs.

"I haven't seen you this excited in a while, buddy," I said, though Colton seemed to be more preoccupied with reaching for his toes.

By the time I'd finished getting him ready, Ruby's gifts had arrived, pre-wrapped and all, and Colton luckily decided the velcro shoes matched his outfit best (they didn't. They were bright green and matched nothing he owned. I wasn't going to help him out of the dream though) and we arrived when the party was in full swing.

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