10: picking up and not settling down

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A/N: picture above is Colton. And yes, I do like the idea of the big, strong man being submissive :p

Also, I wrote out Jackson. If you're thinking: "who??"

Well, that's why.

Lydia's POV:

"Colton.. Are you sure you would want to try something like that? Is it even safe?" I asked, in shock that the boy would actually want to do something like that. Wasn't this the kid who never wanted to slip? What had caused the interest in this?

"I trust the people who've developed it. I just- I just don't want to feel so heavy, so giant anymore," he said softly, and I rubbed his back softly while using my other hand to clean him up with a washcloth.

"It's your choice. I would love to be able to pick you up. But please, don't put yourself in any kind of danger. Also, if you don't mind me asking, where did your interest in this come from? I thought you never wanted to slip," I said, and he sighed.

"I.. Well, some part of me definitely wanted to. However, despite my poor personal awareness, I did know I couldn't stay big forever. I wanted a solution for when someone needed to take care of me eventually, and wouldn't be able to physically. You can talk with the scientist if you want to. I'm planning to fly him from his current place in New York to Perth in a few days," Colton said, and I helped him out of the tub, where I dried him off and assisted him onto the changing pad, where I quickly rediapered him. 

"I will definitely talk to him. I understand your explanation, though I do have to say I'm still a bit worried. It's your choice, though. But for now, I bought you some things you may like" I said while holding up the legless onesies with animal prints, and the soft look returned to his eyes.

"For me?" he asked timidly, and I smiled.

"Yeah little man, for you. Which one do you want to wear?" I asked, and he pointed at a pale blue onesie with a wolf cub on the front, text underneath the animal declaring him a little howler. 

"Good choice, baby!" I declared while pulling the garment over his head and snapping it at his crotch, effectively covering his diaper, though not the obvious diaper bulge which I happened to find adorable. 

I helped him up, and we made our way back into the main area of the suite.

"Well, we've got half an afternoon to kill. What do you want to do?" I asked, and he looked at the bag from Little and Me.

"Coloring?" He asked, and I smiled.

"Coloring it is" I said, and he beamed at me,  showing me the happy little boy he could be if he was simply allowed to be himself.

Colton's POV:

Lydia and me colored all afternoon, and I felt myself grow marginally more comfortable around her. 

She was really good at helping me, and she somehow just seemed to sense what I needed before I knew myself. My adult brain was attempting to worry me about possible borders with her, how I needed to go on a date with her before showing her these sides of me and how the hell I was going to keep this all a secret from the rest of the crew, but Lydia managed to distract me enough to the point that I found myself actually having fun.

Martha was nice too, she was really funny and drew me a surprisingly awesome picture of me and Spidey and Princess, which was my giraffe's name, I'd decided. I should probably tell them that though, because they think she's a he and keep calling her "Colton's Giraffe," which doesn't really seem fair to her.

For some reason, Lydia seemed to find it a good idea that I went to bed at eight thirty, which was completely ridiculous. I was a grown ass man, I didn't need to sleep that early.

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