16: hospital visits and paparazzi

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A/N: Damn guys. Breakups really suck. Anemia does too, by the way. Anyway, those are the reasons I've been updating late, I'm sorry.

Lydia's POV:

I pressed Colton even closer to my chest while Mike made a beeline for the estate garage, where we knew multiple normal-sized cars were located.

Meanwhile, Martha was already running up with an ice pack, diaper bag and pacifier.

"Thank you so much. We'll need to ask the hospital to secure a way through with absolute confidentiality for us, allright?" I asked while gently pressing the ice pack against the swelling of the broken bone, and giving Colton the much needed comfort of a pacifier.

"I know it hurts, I know baby, but we're gonna go to the doctor soon, and he's going to make you all better, allright?" I cooed, trying not to let my own panic show as Martha, Neill, Colton and I made our way to the driveway, Neill apparently on the phone with the hospital. The others, pretty flustered at everything that had just occurred, were still sitting around the pool trying to figure out what happened when we stepped into the white jeep that pulled up.

"Allright, the navigation is set for the nearest hospital, it should only be a fifteen-minute drive" Mike informed us, and Colton whimpered against my chest.

"I know baby, I know. Let it all out sweetheart, mommy's right here" I cooed softly, while I felt a tissue being handed to me.

Apparently I was crying as well.

"I'm sorry" I told Martha, who'd handed it to me.

"Don't be! Of course you're gonna get scared when your baby breaks his damn arm. Don't worry about it, allright? You've got a support team right here" she said while wrapping an arm around me, and she put her other hand on Colton's head, running it through his hair while mine were preoccupied with holding him as still as possible.

I could really feel myself crash down hard from that adrenaline rush, and I had to do everything in my power to not crumble down in tears next to my little boy, who's loud shrieks had tapered down to the saddest soft whimpers I'd ever heard.

"Oh baby, I wish I could help you right now" I said, wiping away some tears of my own while rubbing the boy's back.

"It's gonna be okay, Lyds" Martha said, and I nodded shakily.

"I know, it's just.. Seeing him like that makes me feel like I failed him somehow" I said softly, and she sighed.

"Of course you didn't fail him! They're littles, they sometimes play rough, and that means things will go wrong sometimes. And he'll be fine, I'm sure" she assured me, and at that moment Neill cleared his throat.

"I just got off the phone with the hospital. We can enter through a back entrance, and they've assembled a team of doctors and nurses who've agreed to sign a contract of confidentiality" he said, and I felt incredibly relieved.

Colton's secret would be safe for a little while more.

We pulled up to the hospital, and I carried Colton inside, where a team of people was waiting on us, amd luckily they didn't comment on Colton's celebrity status, instead helping him very professionally.

"Ma'am, I assume you're his caregiver?" A middle-aged man in a white coat said, and I nodded.

"Yeah, I am" I managed to bring out, still clinging to my little boy, and the man smiled reassuringly.

"Allright. Well, my name is doctor Paulson. You're allowed to stay with him, but we're going to need you to put him down on the stretcher so we can get him to the x-ray ward." He said, and I nodded while attempting to untangle the little boy's good arm from my kaftan, making his wails pick up in full force again.

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