4: rashes and rash decisions

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Lydia's POV:

I had been on the forum for about ten minutes when I saw the message of a guy named "Zaz" pop up, and I immediatly felt sorry for the little boy.

Especially after viewing his profile, I couldn't even imagine what it had to be like for the little to have to pretend to be a big, strong dominant all the time, receiving nothing of the love and care that he actually needed while his body was regressing more and more.  

So I replied to his message a the best I could, and wondered what kind of person was on the other side of the screen. I looked at Martha and sighed.

"Martha, there's just the saddest little boy ever on this forum" I said to my friend, who was playing with her phone on her bed.

"And you've already decided to save him, haven't you?" She smirked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up, Martha. Don't we have a meeting with the manager of this part of Zalamarez' organization in half an hour?" I asked, and she groaned while burieng her head in her pillow.

"No. I have a jetlag, and I don't want to do this" She whined, and I threw a pillow at her head.

"You're acting like a little. Come on, let's get into our formal clothes and into the limo Zalamarez rented" I said, and she let herself roll of the bed with an "Oomph" before we both quickly got dressed.

"Allright everyone, I need you all on your best behavior. You will be the heads of my director's board once I step back, and you will have supervision over all of the managers we will be visiting soon. In other words, this man needs to like you all. Thank you, now let's get in" Colton said before we all stepped into the limousine. 

Okay, so he was still kind of an asshole. I thought about what a huge contrast there was between him and the little boy on the forum, and that reminded me all over again why I wouldn't want to be anything but a mommy. A big, strong man may sound fun in theory, but it really wasn't for me.

But still, there was nothing wrong with looking.

After the meeting with the surprisingly inviting manager who also appeared to be slightly terrified of Colton, understandably so, I was completely tuckered out and decided to take a quick rest before we were supposed to have dinner. I closed my eyes, and was gone in seconds.

We were sitting at the dinnertable. Raymond, Felicity, Holly, Trevor, and Neill and Martha were sitting next to eachother, smiling. 

And next to me...

Colton was sitting in a highchair, suit and all, a pacifier clip attached to his collar and a bib tied around his neck. 

While I was gaping at my surroundings, Colton impatiently slammed his hands down on the table.

"Mommy! Feed me!" he shrieked loudly.

And then I woke up with a start. 

"Woah, what got your panties in a twist?" Martha asked, and I looked at her, still a little in shock about the dream.

"I just dreamed about Zalamarez sitting in a highchair and calling me mommy" I said breathlessly, and Martha burst out laughing.

"Christ Lydia, you really need to get yourself a little" she shrieked, and I couldn't help but laugh along with her.

"I know, I know, I'm desperate. My mommy instincts are going crazy right now" I laughed, and Martha wiped some laughing tears from her face.  

"Jesus, that image in my head, of big, tough Colton Zalamarez.. That's golden" she snorted, and I chuckled.

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