Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

"And soon to be Luna."

I shivered. He was so close. Wait, Luna?

I pulled back and my eyes went wide.


"Yes. You're my mate and I'm the Alpha... so yeah you're Luna." he deeply chuckled.

"Everything is just happening so fast." I sighed.

He looked sad.

"I'm sorry that things aren't going the way you were expecting them to. You dont have to be Luna, once we find you a cure, i'll leave the pack and it'll just be us again. I promise." He looked hopeful. But i knew better.

"No, you're not leaving the pack. I know that you love it here, being with your own kind and being Alpha, which is way cool," he laughed, "but i want you to be happy too Derek. Not just me, ill get over this."

"Luna is a big responsibility to take on, and its not even about me, you have to want it too." he said.

"I know."

He eyed me, trying to figure something out, when i knew what he was doing. I could feel my head being nudged at.

"Stop doing that! That feels so weird!" I rubbed my temples and looked at him, he was pouting his lip and smirking. I smiled and smacked his arm and ushered him.

I don't know where i was going, but i was moving and looking so i mean, thats better than nothing.

So you don't know where you're going and you're just walking around till you find something?

He laughed out loud. I let go of his hand and continued walking.

Oh the silent treatment, ouch

It was hard for me not to laugh at how childish he was being.

I am not childish!

He gasped and grabbed my waist and hoisted me up on his shoulder and started walking.

"Derek, let go." I tried my serious tone.

"Or what, tough girl?"

Yeah, i got nothing, so i flailed my arms and legs.


"Chloe!" He shrieked and mimicked my voice. I burst out laughing.

I was thrown softy on a bed and he was hovering above me, pinning my arms to the headboard. I looked at him in awe. His hair was just a bit longer than what i remember, but it was cute because his brown hair curled up the sides of his grey snapback. His breath became heavy, he was trying not to squish me to death. I grabbed his waist and lowered him slowly to me.

"Chloe..." He looked at me fearfully, like i was going to crush to dust under him. I didnt mind the weight, it didnt hurt. I lowered him further till his body was completely pressed against mine.

"Don't worry, I'm okay." I whispered.

"I don't want to go through this again... it's hard." He grumbled.

"I know, it's hard for me too... but we're in this together, remember?"

He nuzzled his head into my neck and played with my hair, he took a deep inhale.

There was a sudden buzzing coming from his pocket and i jumped. He laughed, of course and moved off me to reach for his cellphone. He slid the button and it answered the call.

"Hello?" His voice was strained. This has to be serious. Maybe it was an Alpha thing or something. He sharply looked at me and shook his head in disapproval and continued listening.

Chloe and Derek- A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now