Chapter 39

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Chapter 39


Derek was in a pack? 

“He did all that for you.” Aunt Lauren took a sip of her coffee. 

My heart heaved and i knew i needed to see him soon or i would go crazy. 

“Please, i know we all want to be here on this vacation, but is it possible-”

“I’ll book the tickets, Tomas start preparing luggage.” Kit and my aunt both rose and smiled at me, i graciously smiled back, giving both of them a tight hug and running inside. 

Tori followed and we both ran to the living room. 

“So you do forgive him then?” She eyed me. 

“He joined a pack for me, to find a cure to fix this. I was mad yeah, but he really does care, enough to give me space, enough to go out and join a pack, enough to do all that and still love me. I am still sad about the baby, but i have Derek, and when we are ready we will have a family of our own.” She smiled.

“And I'm gonna be the best aunt and ill be better than Simon.” She beamed and i laughed. 

My heart skipped beats and i felt really happy, but more giddy. I might be able to change back, i thought to myself. 


I was very anxious about getting on a plane again, so my aunt had given me sleeping pills to ease the anxiety. I slept through most of it and woke up with only half hour left until we arrived. I looked out the window and smiled at the familiarity of my new home. The forests swept the land like a blanket and you could see the small cities and towns with highways and streets crowding the area. I couldn't wait to be home. 

We ended up staying on the plane for a few minutes after we landed because we needed to get all our suitcases with us. 

“Ugh i have to go pee.” I whispered to Tori. 

“You shouldn't have drank all that water.” She sighed. 

“I only drank a cup.” She glared at me and looked out the car window once more. 

“Are we almost home?” I asked for probably the twentieth time of the day. I was anxious to see Derek. He was in a pack and the Alpha. I was still skeptical about if the cure even existed, but i was still willing to look for it. 

We pulled in the driveway, and eve before the car came to a complete stop, i jumped out and hurried everyone to the house. They all groaned and followed without refusing. Kit opened the door and the first smell that hit my nose, was the sweet smell of home. A familiar, calming smell that made me relax.

I walked through the house looking in every room, looking for Derek. No signs of him. 

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