Chapter 24

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"Lauren calm down." A voice said.

"Calm down? You want me to calm down when my niece has been out for two weeks? You can take your 'calm down' and shove it up your-"

"Lauren, enough. Chloe is gonna wake up soon and she doesn't need you to be acting like a sociopath. Please, just whisper." Kit calmed her.

"Fine. Take your calm down and shove it up your ass." She whispered.


Wait I've been out for two weeks?



Of course

What happened?

You passed out from all the throwing up. Your body went into shock of this new transition

For two weeks?!

Those two weeks helped you rest a bit. You were constantly throwing up and your body needed to take a break

Is Tomas here?

Yeah, thats the guy you heard telling your aunt to calm down

That was a stupid move

Hes new

I laughed.

When can i wake up?

Whenever you want

So I'm not up now?

Your conscience is up, but your physical body is still working on it

Well i want to see you, so can we move this process along

Still stubborn

Never goes

It was his turn to laugh now.

I struggled to open my eyes, but after five minutes of trying to open them, i gave up. I tried my arms and legs next, i felt them move a bit.

Good keep going, I'm coming now

Hurry I'm getting frustrated

My poor baby

Derek i warned.

I felt his hands on my arms, lifting me into a sitting position.

"Chloe, can you hear me?"

I opened my eyes. "Why are you yelling?" I hissed. He smirked.

"So you can hear me."

"Ugh. Where's my aunt?"

"Shes in the living room waiting for you to wake up. Everyone is." He said. I attempted to get up, but my legs fumbled and i wobbled in Derek's arms.

"One step at a time." I slowly took a few steps, still using him for support. I stretched out my arms and rolled my ankles. I took a few more definite steps and soon i was walking normal again.

I found everyone in the living room, murmuring to themselves quietly. My aunt was making tea and the rest were circled on the couches.

I came up slowly to my aunt and hugged her.

"Oh Chloe, i was so worried you wouldn't wake up." She sobbed. Pretty soon i was in tears. It must have been hard seeing me in that state.

It was

If i could wake up sooner, i would have

I know you would've

Aunt Lauren gently let me go, like i was gonna break at any second. I gave her a reassuring smile, sending her the message i was okay.

Tori got up and gave me a hug, so did Simon.

"Glad your back, i wanted to slit his through with a serrated knife if he spoke another word." She sighed in relief. I looked at Simon and his eyes were wide.

"Well, I'm glad your back too, Chloe, or i would have strangled her with her own intestines." He smirked and still hugged me.

I looked back at Derek.

"Yeah, they both wanted to kill each other. They were damn annoying, i couldn't even watch tv without them giving their input on each other's faces." He grumbled. I laughed.

Welcome to my world

I'm good in mine, really

I laughed some more.

"Okay Chloe. I know its soon and you just woke up, but we really need to go over some things about your pregnancy." Kit said.

"Okay." I sat down at the table along with everybody else.

"First things first, how are you feeling?" Tomas asked.

"Good actually. That rest, really did help."

"Good, good. So, over the next few weeks, you'll be experiencing cramps and occasionally swollen joints. The throwing up part is done with. You'll feel like you want to throw up, but it means you both are hungry. Try and keep the walking to a minimum, because you'll be getting more tired. Do you understand so far?" I nodded in understanding. At least the puking part was done.

"Okay, your two weeks in, you have twenty nine weeks left. If there's any questions you have dont be afraid to call or ask."

"Okay, thanks." I smiled and got up.

"Are you okay?" My aunt asked.

"Yeah, just gonna use the bathroom." I walked off and wandered the halls.

I've been conscience in the house for about three days and I'm kinda fuzzy where everything is.

First door on your right


"Mr.Know-it-all." I mumbled.

I heard that

You were meant to

That's not nice

It wasn't intended to be nice



Why dont you love me

I never said that... Just not at the moment

Oh, really?


So you'll be sleeping in a room with Tori then?

Fine i will

Good luck


I washed my hands and looked up. Oh my god. Look at my stomach. I already have a bump and it's only been two weeks. I'm gonna have to start buying things slowly for the baby.

I took a look at myself in the mirror. The colour had returned in my face, i was getting more and more chubbier, and i wasn't talking about my stomach. My body was going through so many changes.

Just wait till the half way mark

What do you mean

Thats when you realize you really need me

I dont need you

Your body will

He snickered. This was going to be hell. And if I'm going through it, then I'm taking him with me.

Chloe and Derek- A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now