Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

I was already waking up.

“What the hell do you think you're doing Chloe?”

A voice said behind me and i nearly lost my balance and tripped over the rock in front of me. I just starting to enter the forest and i already got caught. Jesus this is not my day today is it?

“Just let me be please. I need to do this.” 

“Derek is gonna kill you before you guys can even be okay with this situation. Just come back Chloe.” Tori reasoned. 

“I can't wait for him to be ready. Like this is mentally destroying me, and physically.” I whispered.  

She saw the pained look on my face and nodded. 

I was about to start walking again, expecting her to just go back inside the house, but she ended up following me into the forest. I looked back and she gave me a sheepish smile and continued with my pace. 

I wasn't a hundred percent that that she would make it, usually when we would try to go out for runs in the morning, she would complain the first five minutes and turn around. But she kept quiet and walked with me.

It was almost dark, and you could barely see the outline of the forest’s skirts. We were probably a quarter way when i stopped in the middle of a log on the path. 

“Why did you stop?” She asked annoyed.

“I don't know where the packhorse is...” I mumbled. 

She looked around and sat down with her head in her hands. 

“Why don't you ask Derek where it is and that were looking for him?” It was smart... if it weren't for the fact that we were dealing with Derek here. He would kill me if he found out i went without him in the forest. 

She saw my worried look and instantly understood. An amused look replaced her face and she chuckled.

“Ive never seen a girl scared of her boyfriend.” She snickered. 

“Im not scared.” I protested but we both knew better. Derek was scary when he was mad, but Tori didn’t care about him and he didn’t care about her, so the feelings that went between them was never scared, it was more of an annoyance. 

After what happened with Liam and Raymond in the forest, he made me promise that i would try to never put myself in that situation, i had to be with him for these types of things. And at this point, i wasn't, which scared me. I wanted to find him on my own, i needed to do this. 

“No, lets keep walking, it can't be that far, the woods only has a mile radius around it form the middle.” 

“A mile?” She sniffed.

“You can turn back if you want.” I suggested. But deep down, i didn’t want her to leave me because in all honesty, it was scary as hell in here. 

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