Chapter 19

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"Oh my god, look at this. Just look at it." Tori was looking through all the rooms to find the perfect one.

"This room is huge! It has a walk in closet and a bathroom! Oh my god! Okay, so do you want the left or the right side?" She asked.

"Oh, well i thought we were all gonna get our own rooms. I mean i know you-"

"Don't be silly. If you think you and Derek are sleeping in the same room, your insane. There's no way i can put up with all that noise." I looked at her.

"We cant-"

"Just pick a side." She pleaded.

"Fine, the right."


I set my stuff down and plopped on the bed. I took a deep breath.

"Your seriously not thrilled about this are you?" She asked.

"The room is fine."

"No, not the room. I mean about this baby." I sat up.

"What do you mean?"

"Well every time someone brings it up, you either look away or make an excuse to leave the room."

"It's that obvious?"

"Pretty much." I sighed.

"I'm seriously scared. No-scared would be an understatement. I'm terrified."

"Oh, stop being a drama queen. Chloe, your gonna be fine. How hard can it be? I mean you have five other people who will helping you out. And, i do have experience in taking care of kids you know."

"You? Experience with kids? Thats hilarious."

"No really. My aunt always came over to my house and she always brung her kids. She had two toddlers and one baby. And because i was twelve, and was obsessed with taking care of children, i got the experience from watching them."

"Wow. You don't seem the type for kids."

"And your not?"

I looked down and played with the sheets.

"Look, you'll do fine. Every mom is the same the first time round. Then they get used to it." I cocked an eyebrow at her.

"What? I watch a lot of teen mom."

"I can tell."

My bed started buzzing. What the hell? I started patting the bed and soon found a phone. Wait, a phone?

"When the hell did i get a phone?"

"Your aunt and Kit got them for us while you and Derek were out swimming in the lake."


"Yeah, now pick up the damn phone."

I slid the answer button and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey Chloe!" Simon said.

"Why the hell are you calling me from a cell phone, when we live in the same house?" I asked.

"Its a pretty big house, takes too much work to go and meet you." He laughed.

"Are you serious?"

"Yup. Now come down for dinner."



"Bye Simon."

I pressed end call and set the phone down on the table.

"Come on, time for dinner." I said to Tori.

"What do you think were having? I hope it's not Kit's famous pasta..." She muttered. I shook my head.

We entered the kitchen and found everyone seated at the table already. My aunt smiled at the both of us and gestured for us to sit.

"So, how does everyone like the new house?" Kit asked.

"Its awesome dad." Simon replied.


"Lots of space." He said. I let out a laugh and almost tipped my drink over. Derek looked at me strangely and continued eating.

"Anyways..." My aunt started. "What do you want to do for your birthday hun?"


"Chloe, you have all the time in the world to sleep."

"No, not really. I heard a lot of pregnant people cant sleep." I tried to hold back my laughter. Her facial expression was surprised and shocked. I never made jokes about this.

"I'm kidding. I dont know. Oh, how about we go to the water park? I suggested.

"That sounds good. How about it then?" She looked at everyone and they nodded in agreement.

As we were about to serve more salad, the door bell rang.

"Ah, that must be-" ring ring

"Impatient much." Kit got up to get the door.

We all looked at each other nervously.

Who was at the door?

Chloe and Derek- A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now