Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

 "What the hell is this?"

 He held the little furry rats, (as he so nicely decided to call them), in his arms.

 "Cats?" I sheepishly replied. He glared at me. 

 "I want them out. They aren't staying here."He turned to walk away, but i sprung up out of bed and leaped for him. 

The covers got caught between my ankles and i twisted to the left, falling off the bed to be caught by none other then the bipolar werewolf himself. He sighed and set me down. I looked up, and he looked beyond tired and frustrated. 

 "Look, don't take it the wrong way, but whats up with you? I came to your office this afternoon to say thank you and... well, you got pissed off at me and i didn't even do anything." I said defensively.He pinched his nose. 

"It's not you." He let out a breath and sat down on the bed.

 I crawled in his lap and brang the covers over us. He bent his head so it was resting on my shoulder near my neck and took a deep breath. I felt him instantly relax and i moved as close as possible to him. He spoke into my neck. 

 "The reason i have been so stressed out lately, is because of finding a cure for you." He looked at me. 

My breath caught in my throat and i couldn't help the pressure that was slowly making its way to my eyes. The lump in my throat formed and the tears trickled down my face.

 "Right." Was all i said.

 He was the one who had to find a way, everyone was trying to help me find a way to go back to the way i was. I could no longer talk to my mom. The blood in my veins was slowly overpowering the necromancer genes. Now it was only time to Change. It would make the transformation complete.

 "I won't let that happen." He said. 

 "Derek, maybe its best if i just go along with it. Im the Luna, maybe they should have a werewolf as her instead of this weak-" 

He cut me off."You're not weak by any means, Chloe. Are you crazy? You are the strongest person i know. You know how much shit you've gone through these past two months? Anyone would've given up the first week, but not you. You fought through it, and thats who they are proud to have as a Luna."My cheeks burned and I raised my head to meet his eyes. 

 "Damn, but i wanted to out run you this time." I teased.

 "Keep dreaming little necro." He smirked.

 I gasped and shoved him off the bed. 

 "Who says i can't?" 

I fled down the hallway and heard his footsteps right behind me. My heart beat raced, but it didn't compare to when he took hold of my shirt and hoisted me so my legs wrapped around his waist. 

He kissed me gently, still in that mind set that i would break. I tugged at his hair and he groaned. He shoved me on the couch and placed me on top. I found his sweet spot and bit gently on his neck. He moaned and tried doing the same, but there was a gasp coming from the doorway. Derek flipped us over and set me beneath him, taking a protective stance. 

 "S-sorry Alpha and Luna, I was j-just cleaning the-" Derek waved his hand in the air, motioning for her to stop."It's alright Anita." He said and i blushed and waved. 

She smiled and scurried out the door. 

 Derek turned back to me and smirked. "Where were we?"


 "I think you could use a chandelier in here, Derek." 

Chloe and Derek- A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now