Chapter 2

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The car ride was as suspected: a lot of bickering and arguing. Nothing new changed this week... I was seated besides Tori, and Derek and Simon sat behind us, with aunt Lauren and Kit in the front.

"Oh shut up! I'm gonna find a guy who would sweep me off my feet!" Tori and Simon were going at it once again.

"Yeah... Or drops you." Simon snickered.

"You-" i cut her off before things got out of hand.

"Could you both shut up for two freakin minutes." I really couldn't handle another word from either of them. They both mumbled an ok and looked out the window.

I looked back at Derek to find him smirking. I shook my head and took a glance out my window.

We were finally at the beach. The ocean was a sea green colour and the sand looked crisp brown with a hint of beige mixed in with it. The beach itself had few visitors, but none of us minded. More beach for us.

We finally parked the car in a shady spot, and gathered all around the trunk to start carrying everything that my aunt Lauren presumed we "absolutely needed". My aunt Lauren was crazy; but i didn't know she was this crazy. There had been times where me and her would go shopping and i always laughed at the man carrying all our bags, but now that i had to lug everything, i didn't find it so funny.

"Derek, can you bring this cooler? And simon can you grab the basket? Chloe you- oh my goodness Kit! Don't drop the blankets!" They all looked at me with a "wtf is wrong with your aunt" face. I shrugged in response to their gazes and continued my way down the beach.

"Who knew your aunt would make us bring this much... We'll only be here for a couple of hours." Simon spoke from behind me.

"Na-uh. We're staying for more than that. These legs need some sun." Tori retorted.

"Why don't you just use your energy bolt powers to give it a nice tinge of colour, Victoria?" He spit back.

"Maybe i will. Right after you get some tinge of colour on your face." She sneered.

"As amusing as this is, Lauren is getting pissed that we're taking so long. So will you both shut the hell up, so we can actually sit down."

"Chloe, make Derek happy again. No one likes a pissy werewolf on a beautiful day." Simon laughed.

Derek gave his brother a sharp glare, and Simon dropped it completely.

"Tori, Simon, you guys can place those right here!" My aunt yelled.

As they came towards my aunt, i snuck a glance at Derek, who was looking at the distant waves of the water, with an almost worried look.

"Hey." I said softly. I reached out and grabbed his arm. "Look at me." I insisted. He took a moment to turn, but as he did, i saw the fever that had been taking course on his forehead. He was pale and tense.

"What's wrong?" He looked at me with sorrow eyes, but mumbled nothing and looked away again.

"Derek, can you bring the cooler over here please?" Aunt Lauren asked. He sighed and walked further ahead to hand it to her. Why is he acting like this? He was fine this morning.

We set up the blankets and umbrellas in the perfect spot. My aunt had almost looked relaxed from the long morning of planning and arranging. Derek and Simon were kicking around a ball, and Kit was at the concession stand getting a hotdog. I saw Tori laying on a blanket, and decided i would do the same. This has been a long week, and right now, i just need to lay down.

Chloe and Derek- A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now