Chapter 3

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The ride home was quiet; no one exchanged a word to one another. All you can hear was the murmuring of aunt Lauren and Kit.

My life had changed completely, and it was for the best. My only regret would be, to have my dad with me. God i miss him a lot. Derek has tried to reason with me and tell me that it's better this way, and he safer. But i just can't stand the fact that he's still worrying about me and scared out of his mind. I just hope all this will end soon.

We pulled into the driveway at last. It was around four, and everyone seemed exhausted from the long day. Aunt Lauren and Kit went to make some coffee, Simon went to his room to get changed and Tori simply went to our room to take a nap. I was left alone with Derek. He rested his elbows on the counter and put his head in his hands.

I wanted to give him space, so i started walking towards my room.

"You don't have to leave Chloe." He said without looking up.

"Well i figured you would want your space considering you say everything is fine and you wont tell me whats bothering you. So i think ill head to bed." I said back.

"It's not like that, and you know it. I'm just not feeling great." He rubbed his head and looked up at me.

"Well then get some rest. The Advil is on top of the fridge. I'll be in my room."

Just as i was nearing the door, he caught my wrist and pulled me back. I landed into his embrace.

"I'm sorry." He muffled into my hair, and i immediately hugged him back. We stood there for what felt like forever.

"Your right, you should get your rest." He pulled back and looked at me. I gave him the look saying i didn't want to, but in the end he gave me a playful glare and kissed me on the cheek saying goodnight. I kissed him back and gave one final hug before going into my room.

Tori was fast asleep and irritatingly snoring. I threw a pillow at her and she stirred, but the snoring stopped.

I got in bed and looked at the window, never taking my eyes off the moon. They were heavy and the weight was intensifying more by the second. I was determined to have a good sleep tonight, so i let sleep takes it course and everything went black.

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