Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

"You're with child, my dear."

At that exact moment, i felt my insides turned until i felt like throwing up. She removed her hand from my stomach and i felt little kicks on my abdomen. I looked around at everyone else to see that instead of crying-which theres been a lot of these past few weeks- there were smiles all around. But above all, Derek's face glowed with happiness and pure joy.

I was struck for words. Then my stomach turned again at a thought.

"What if I'm dreaming?" I whispered.

I felt a pinch on my arm and yelped.

I looked over to see Tori smirking.

"Um... ow?"

"See, you're not dreaming." She said. I shook my head and laughed.

"This is amazing." My aunt exclaimed.

"Well yes, but she's still in the process of changing into a werewolf, lets all remember that now, the babies birth will be more difficult." Marcia reminded.

"So the baby will indeed be a werewolf then?" Kit asked.

"Well most likely, but i assume that Alpha Derek has a plan." She turned to Derek. "That spell you had talked to me about, i think it could work. But this takes time, supplies and preparation, as well as another witch."

"Give me a list and we'll figure something out." He said.

They were in deep conversation about plans, then Derek kissed my cheek and said he'd be back and if i got tired, to go up to his room and sleep.

They left the room still mumbling to each other. I looked around to see my aunt and Kit smiling and chatting. Well maybe Kit will end up with her, i hope. Tori was on her phone and Simon was by the fire, putting more wood in as it was slowly dying.

These moments are my favourite moments, when everyone is enjoying time we have together. When things seem normal, when you think it could stay like this forever, but i guess thats not how our life works. You never know what tomorrow could bring, what it has to offer. Most people have school to worry about, a job; but i have to worry about who i might lose and what might happen with my life. My main priority is my family, and now with an extra member apart of it. My daughter or son, ill make sure that they don't have to worry about these things for a long time.


I woke up in Derek's warm bed. He wasnt there of course, he had work to do as Alpha and everything. Last night hadnt lasted long because i fell asleep on the couch by the fire, and i rememeber Derek carrying me up the stairs and down hallways. I remebered the first events thats happened yesterday too and felt my stomach. I smiled.

I turned over and looked at the time on my phone. 8:46. I set it back on the counter and fipped over, getting comfortable.

Chloe and Derek- A New BeginningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora