Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

She looked at me.

"I have a mate."

Well, to be completely honest, i thought she would've said worse. She could've told me about being chased into a forest and almost being eaten by a bunny, but i guess it was something subtle. I was happy for her though.

"Thats great!" I exclaimed.

She gave me the dirtiest look.

I was confused to say the least. When i found out about mates, i was so excited. But Tori clearly held other emotions and thoughts.

"Are you kidding?" She seethed and starting pacing back and fourth.

"Who is it?" I asked quietly, just in case she ripped my head off when it came to her ears.

She looked at me again and responded with annoyance. "Cole."

I shook my head in understanding. I didnt want to ponder any more because she clearly wasn't feeling it. I learnt my lesson the last time she was pissed off about something. I slowly got up and placed my cup in the sink.

I was about to leave the room, but turned around. "Ill give you some space then."

She put her head in between her knees and just sat there.

I started wondering around the halls, looking from room to room. My favourite room would probably be the library. I love reading, and its literally full with books, from wall to wall. Derek said he was giving it to me, and i thought that was ridiculous. There must be some people here who loved reading as much as i did.

I scanned my eyes through all the books and ran my finger along the edge of one. Gone with the wind.

My mom used to read this to me when i was little, before she died.

I plopped down on the love seat and started reading.

I was tuned into my book, when my phone started buzzing. I looked at the caller ID and picked it up.


"Where are you?"

"In the library, why?" I asked.

"Come outside, i need your opinion on something." I got up and wandered the halls and continued my way out the kitchen door.

I found myself looking at a playground with swing sets and slides going in different directions.

Behind the slide was Kit, Thomas, my aunt and some pack members putting garbage in bags.

"You like?" Thomas smiled.

I smiled. "I love it, thank you." I felt my stomach kick and smiled even wider.

They all went into deep conversation and started talking to some of the pack members.

"Has anyone seen Derek?" I asked

"Last we've seen him, he was in his office." One of the pack members said. I nodded and said thanks, then started back for the house.


"No, i want it done now." Pause. "Because i said so. There won't be any time left."

He was probably on the phone. I quietly knocked.

"Come in." He didn't sound like the happiest.

I opened the door and found him sitting at a desk with papers scattered all over the place. He looked as if he stayed up the entire night.

He looked up and glared.

Chloe and Derek- A New BeginningTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang