Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

I threw the vial up in the air and black smoke appeared, making it disappear in thin air.

Im sorry mom. I love you.

"What the fuck did you just do?" Derek growled.

"Im not going back! Don't you understand?" I yelled and turned to everyone. "I can't go back. I can't. If i do, it will kill me and our baby. The pack doctor told me that the transformation back would crush it because of how big he/she has gotten." I looked at Derek who looked beyond pissed.

His nose scrunched up in disgust.

"What pack doctor?" He seethed.

"Dr.Colvert, i saw him yesterday."

He closed his eyes and started pacing. Everyone watched in fear that their Alpha would go bat shit on their Luna. Derek was known for his temper, but i don't understand why he's so upset. The cure wouldn't do anything to him, it was useless because i haven't drank the other half and shared my blood with him. He would remain normal.

"Chloe, there's no one by the name of Dr.Colvert in this god damn state. What the hell were you thinking?" He seethed.

He looked around and ordered everybody back to their houses.

I looked down, suddenly becoming very interested in my shoes; not that i could see them.

I heard him step closer to me but i refused to look at him. I just gave away my cure.

Was i upset?


Not one bit actually.

"Look at me." Derek broke my thoughts.

My body ached to look at him, to have his hands on me, but my mind was in another place.

I felt both his hands grasp both sides of my face; he was trying to contain his anger and still be gentle with me. His hands sent tingles down my neck and i almost gave in.


I jerked my head from his grasp.

"No. So i may have been stupid for not talking to anybody about it. So i may have given away my cure to the people that want it. So i may never go back to being a necromancer. But all in all, it was my choice. If i could go back and change it, i wouldn't. I know what I'm doing and i can make decisions for myself. Like I'm fucking pregnant with your child and yet I'm still treated as if i was five. This is our life, and i love you but you need to understand why i make these choices. Maybe i want this. Maybe i want to be a werewolf. Maybe i want to go through my first Change with you sitting right next to me, holding me, telling me I'm gonna do it. Maybe i want to run through the forest with you in wolf form, as Alpha and Luna. Maybe i want to, Derek. I appreciate the cure, and honest to God, i thought i wanted it. I really did. You need to trust me on what i want." I whispered the last part.

Derek stood there with his eyes closed and took a breath once i finished.

"Chloe, you could've got hurt." His emerald green eyes shone brighter then the stars. "Do you know why i didnt want you to stay like this? I know what the dangers of being a werewolf is... my whole childhood, i had to deal with it, live with it. If i could take a cure, i would've. The pain of Changing is unbearable." He got closer to me, his nose brushing mine. "The pain of knowing you would be in pain, is unbearable." His lips were so close. His anger was slowly washing away.

I could still sense he was upset but not as much. I needed his lips right now, but before i could attack, he pulled away, the warmth vanishing, instantly making me shiver.

Chloe and Derek- A New BeginningDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora