Chapter 10

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My hand was friggen green. I looked at Tori. She snickered and returned to her reading.

"Chloe," my aunt said slowly. I just looked at her.

"Why are you green sweetheart?" She asked. I looked back at Tori, and if looks could kill, she would be in hell right now. Simon and Derek had their mouths hanging open as they took in the sight of my now green body.

Anger built up inside my body. But i simply did the right thing, and walked-okay, i didn't walk- i stormed off inside and ran upstairs to my room and slammed the door. Ugh! I need to get her back. I was i'm in the midst of coming up with a plan, when there's a knock at the door.

"Chloe, can i come in?" A low voice asked.

"Come in." I replied still laying on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I heard the door open and close.

"You still look amazing babe." He said while laying down with me.

"I look like the Incredible Hulk."

He laughed. "But your my Incredible Hulk." He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck. I turned around, teasing him.

"Chloe..." He grumbled.


All i felt was his huge arms wrap around my waist and flip me over so I'm on top of him.

"You're impossible, you know that?" He said.

"And your so demanding. Geez, i never get a break, now do i?"

"Course not." He kissed me and i kissed him back. How could i possibly reject such a perfect guy?

You couldn't. I smiled into the kiss.

I wasn't planning on it.


"Derek. Chloe? Where are you?" My aunt Lauren. Never can we have a moment.... Hmph.

Derek immediately let me go and sat up facing the door, but still holding my hand.

"Sweetheart, don't worry it will eventually come out. It's only food colouring. Derek can help you clean off your arms and hands. Then there's different formula for your legs and feet." She said reassuringly. I only nodded.

I was so getting her back.

Why me?

Why you what?

Why do you guys always start these wars when you know how bad it ends...? He questions.

Because it annoys me how she thinks she can actually get away with the last laugh.

Just remember though, if you guys end up ripping each other's hair out... I'm not getting involved.

I just got an idea... I'll finally get the last laugh. This was perfect.

You know i can still hear your thoughts right?

Damn it.

Please don't say anything.

I wont. But when all goes to hell when she wakes up, your screwed.

I know. But would you mind me sleeping with you that night?

For fuck sakes Chloe.

Love you.

Love you too.

My plan would start tonight. And the old witch wont know what hit her...

I can still picture you being evil.


Because you're plotting devious plans in your mind, but for me, your practically screaming all that in my head.

Well, here's to being mates. Cheers.

He face palmed his head. "I'll be in the kitchen when your ready to call a truce."

"Okay, bye." He shook his head.

"Later." And with that he kissed my forehead and left my room.

This was gonna be one hell of a night.

And a hell of a morning too. Derek snickered.

Chloe and Derek- A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now