Chapter 15

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"Simon!" Tori whined loudly.

"What the fuck do you want Tori?" He snapped.

"Jesus, kitty got claws. Meow." He glared at her.

We were starting to pack a few things and Tori and i, were in charge of where everything goes, so it can all fit. And right now, Derek and Simon were getting pissed off.

"Oh babe, that doesn't go there, put it on the other side." I said sweetly.

"Whatever." He said.

"Love you." I replied.

Tori smirked and walked over to the cooler and nudged it with her foot. It spilt all over the deck.

"What the hell Tori!" Simon yelled. Derek stalked over.

"Your cleaning that up." He said nonchalantly.

"Ha-ha thats hilarious, especially since I'm the supervisor and you guys are the labour." She retorted and walked back towards me.

"Chloe." Derek said slowly.

"Oh, do you hear that? I think my aunt is calling us Tori, better see what she wants." I said.

"Your right. Be right back boys. Oh and shes right, move it to the other side." Tori snickered and we turned and walked away.

My aunt was making some phone calls in the kitchen and drinking her coffee.

"-ok, sounds good. Alright, see you then." She turned and looked at us.

"Is everything almost packed? I've made sure we have the place booked out for one." She asked.

"Oh, yeah. The guys are just adjusting a couple of things, thats all." Tori said.

"Okay. Tori can you check and see if you can get some cases of water in the back. Tell the guys to help you."

"I will indeed." She smirked and walked off.

I was left alone with my aunt Lauren.

"Chloe?" She asked. I stared up at her blue eyes. They held remorse and regret.

"You know, don't you?" She asked. I simply nodded.

"I'm sorry i didn't tell you. But what was i supposed to say? Do you honestly think that i like the fact, you'll be pregnant at 16, or the fact you have no choice? I dont blame Derek, and i dont blame you. This is the way your mother had you, and I'm greatful."

"Thats not true. You always blamed dad. You always said that mom was too young and that it should have never happened that early."

"I didn't want to believe that this curse was true. It was hard to accept the fact that your mother was pregnant at 16 and died two years later."

"I only found out i was a necromancer a couple months ago."

"Yes, and that was hard to take in."

"No, it was hard to take in, that you lied to me about my whole life."

"Do you think i had a choice?"

"You did. And you made that choice." I said and walked out.

"Chloe!" She yelled after me.

I didn't listen and kept walking. I don't know if ill ever be able to look at her the same after today. She made no effort to tell me anything about the baby and whats to come. She said nothing about dad. She was selfish, in saying she lied and didn't regret any of it.

Will i be able to handle this? No. Me and Derek will be able too.

I hope.

Chloe and Derek- A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now