Chapter 28

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So here we are; sitting in the living room, with aunt Lauren holding up the bill for her broken plates, staring at us.

None of us move; we just simply sat there while she glared at us.

Damn, Tori didn't take the bill off the counter

Derek voiced in my mind. I shook my head slightly and looked back at my aunt.

"So, would anyone like to explain?" She asked expectantly.

Simon and Tori finally dropped their composure and started pointing fingers at each other.

"I was trying to set up the table and Simon came along and tried to be 'helpful'!" Tori accused.

"Tori dropped them!"

"Did not!"

"Did to!"

"Did not!"


"Bigger baby!"

"Giant baby!"

"Enough!" My aunt yelled. She turned to us and motioned for me and Derek to step out and explain.

We came to a stop at the kitchen and sat down.

"Explain please."

"Tori and Simon were getting plates for breakfast, and because they wanted to do it each by themselves, they started fighting and then the plates got knocked. We're sorry." Derek finished. Aunt Lauren smiled and nodded.

"Do you know how many times me and your mother dropped those plates when we were younger? A lot more then you can count on your fingers." She laughed. I felt Derek loosen up and relax his body, beside me.

"I do actually." She looked at me funny.

"How do you know that?"

"Mom told me."

"Oh my goodness. You can talk to her in your dreams, can't you?" She asked.

"Yeah." I smiled. She came over and hugged me tightly. i looked at Derek for help, so i could actually breate, but he was too focused on the floating glass of orange juice. Well, Liz was here. My aunt went to turn around, but i stopped her. She would be too freaked out and a little guilty knowing Liz was here. 

"No! I think you should tell Simon and Tori about the plates, they looked pretty upset about it." I urged.

"Your right, they did look worried." She responded.

"Of course im right. Now hurry, because i think i saw Tori almost start crying!" I yelled after her as she left the kitchen.

"Hey Chloe." Liz chirped and handed me the glass of orange juice.

"hey Liz. Look, you cant lift objects or do anything when my aunt is around because she will flip shit on everyone." 

"Oh, sorry." She laughed. I watched as Derek tried to figure out where Liz was standing.

"It's fine." 

"So, here. Drink.You need plenty of vitamins and fibre." She gestured towards the cup and i took it slowly.

"Dont worry, silly. I didnt poison it." She laughed and i smiled back, taking in the tangy liquid.

"So, how's the baby?" She asked. I nearly took a spit take and set the cup down, still choking. Derek came over and patted my back, till i finally stopped coughing. 

"Thanks." I muttered and turned to Liz.

"Sorry, its just that, im still kinda not used to people talking about it and asking me about those sorts of things. But, all in al, its good."

Chloe and Derek- A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now