Chapter 32

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"We're going to Rome."


"Rome?" Tori asked.

"Yes, Rome." Kit assured.

Both adults looked at each other and smiled; them it was our turn to look at each other.

Me and Tori took one glance and started hysterically jumping up and down, while joining hands. Talk about girl moment.

Where the guys just patted each other's backs and smiled.

"This is insane!" Tori breathed and calmed down a bit. I nodded my head in agreement.

"No wonder you two were always complaining about the weather." Simon said.

"Yes, but also because Chloe wont be able to get around a lot soon with the baby. Plus, we've been through a lot these past few months, so we decided this was well needed." Kit exclaimed.

"When do we leave?" Derek asks.

"We leave in a week." They both said.

"A week? We need suitcases, we need to pack, we- oh my god! We need new bathing suits and shades! Shopping time!" Tori squeals.

"Yo, sis, calm down. We still have a week."

"Shut up Simon."

"You shut up."

"Why dont you-"

"Why dont you both quit it." Derek hissed.

"Even this news never stops you two, does it?" I sighed.

"Not when she has to be like that." Simon sneered.

"I wont be like that, when he isnt that." She spat.

"Good come back genius." 

"I am a genius. At least i use my brain." 

"Says you, Ms.Congeniality." 

"Whats that supposed to mean?" She argued.

At this point, Aunt Lauren and Kit had already left, to go knows where, leaving us here to deal with the two. They always said, that we needed to work it out our selves and face the music. Well, i didnt particularIy like this tune.

I looked at Derek; he was massaging his temples and taking deep breaths. I could tell he was frusterated, not only with Tori, but with his own brother as well. I slid my arm around his and just leaned my head on his shoulder. He seemed to relax a little and leaned as well. I got an idea to make them stop arguing. 

I leaned up close to his ear, and he leaned in, listening intentively.

"Follow my lead." Was all i said. 

I hopped on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. His eyes roamed my body and i smacked his arm. He shook his head apologetically and looked at my eyes once again. Guys will always be guys, no matter what you do. Ugh.

I started to kiss his jaw and then down his neck.

"I love you." He said out loud. I smiled and said it back; then started to kiss him.

"Ew guys!" Simon whined and covered his eyes with his hand, and also turning away.

"Get a room!" Tori demanded.

"See you guys tomorrow. But please dont let me see this-" He gesturd towars us and then finished. "Again. Good night." He huffed and scurried out of the room.

"Honestly, you guys need to remember that there are other people in the room. This is so disturbing, we just had dinner." Tori made a face and a vomitting sound, then quickly got out of the kitchen.

Chloe and Derek- A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now