Chapter 16

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The drive back was silent. Nobody said a word; even Simon and Tori kept to themselves. Me and aunt Lauren hadn't spoke since we were at the house. The tension in the car started making me anxious.

Derek was sitting beside me, giving my hand a gentle squeeze every once in a while, comforting me.

"We're home!" Kit said cheerfully. I could tell he was trying to lighten the mood, and i was grateful for that. I smiled sheepishly at him.

"Thanks for driving us Kit." I said and walked up to the front door.

We all filed inside, with the guys carrying all the items from the trunk and setting it on the counter.

"Its ok boys. I'll put those things away when I'm done my shower. Go and rest." She said, still trying to make eye contact with me.

When i refused to meet her gaze, she simply just nodded her head and walked off towards her room. Along with Kit following towards his room.

"Whats up with you and your aunt?" Tori asked. I turned and walked to the fridge and grabbed the orange juice. I turned around to find they were all waiting for an answer.

"U-uh, what do you mean?" Damn stuttering. It only happens when I'm hiding something. I tried to hide it by drinking half the glass.

"Don't play stupid, Chloe. You didn't say a word to each other in the car or even at volleyball." She pressed.

I set the cup down. "It's just- well- i don't know."

She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Shes right. You both are cold." Simon agreed.

You don't have to tell them anything, you know

I know, but they're eventually gonna find out when my stomach is the size of a watermelon

True. But not now, if you don't want to, Chloe

Tori can help me shop for everything

Hah good luck with that. Remember the last time you went shopping with her...?

Yeah she-

I was cut off by Tori. "Hello?" She said irratated.

"Okay. Sit down, both of you. Me and Derek will explain everything. Just don't freak out."


"-so thats why me and my aunt aren't exactly on best terms right now." I explained everything.

They just gaped at me like i had ten heads.

"So your gonna be pregnant in 8 days?" They both asked in unison.

"I guess."

"And Derek, is your mate? And Chloe is yours?" Simon asked.

"Yeah." Derek replied.

"Wow. Nice man. Proud of you bro, but make sure your prepared." Simon laughed.

"I'm gonna be an auntie?" Tori yelled excitedly.


"How come your not excited? This is incredible!" Tori urged.

"It's not that- I'm just not ready to be a parent. Both of us aren't. I mean I'm only gonna be 16... I'm still a kid."

"Screw being 16. This is so cool."

"Would you like to carry this baby for 9 months?" I exclaimed.

"Well, actually, only 3 months." Kit exclaimed from the doorway.

"You know?"

"Your aunt just had quite the conversation with me about it. And if its Derek's baby, then its 3 months."

"Why only 3?" I asks confused. I glanced over at Derek.

"Because I'm a werewolf." He mumbled and looked away.

"So our child will be a werewolf?"

"Well, most likely. Derek's genes are pretty strong, so I'm guessing."

"Oh. So there's no chance of it being a necromancer or even human?"

"Anythings possible. I guess we'll see in a couple of months." He smiled.

I gave a smile back and put my hand on my stomach. "Yeah, we will." I looked up at Derek and grabbed his hand.

Chloe and Derek- A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now