Chapter 30

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On instinct, i swung my elbow back, trying to hit my attacker's ribs. But all odds were against me and it grabbed my arm and pulled it against its chest.
As it stood there, holding me, i felt its hard rock stomach beneath my forearm. I stopped screaming and gently took its hand and brought it to my lips.

"Derek." I whispered.

"Sorry, you would've been more scared if i jumped out of no where."

"So you choose the other option of acting like a terrorist and kidnapping me." I screeched and slapped his hands away. He raised an eyebrow at me and shook his head.

"A terrorist?" Simon called as he exited one of the rooms down the hall.

"Y-yes! He j-just-ugh! Honestly, I'm breaking up with you Derek!" I huffed and stuck out my tongue at him.

"Immature." He mumbled and pulled me against him, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I tried dodging it, causing him to growl.

"Aww baby. If you want a kiss, you have to earn it." I whispered.

"Okay guys, let's keep it PG-13 please." Simon said and un-covered his eyes.

"I agree. Keep your pants on." Tori said from behind us. I'm pretty sure i was blushing like a tomato right now. I moved more into Derek and he squeezed my shoulders.

"So." Simon said.

"So. The question is lingering. Where were you guys?" I asked.

"In our room." Simon answered. Derek looked down at the floor, focusing on something.

"But you came out-" i started, but Tori jumped in.

"I have a question. What the hell happened to our backyard?" She hissed.

"Well Ms.I-Know-Everything, it's called renovating." Simon spit."

"Well, i hope your dad, doesn't renovate his room, because it looks like hes sleeping outside tonight."

"What?" Simon asked confused.

"Lauren's pissed." Derek finished.

"Chloe...." Simon whined and gave me, (i guess what he thought of) puppy dog eyes.

"Uh-uh. No way."

"Why not? She listens to you."

"She also is the most stubborn person i know."

"But your her favourite neice."

"Because I'm her only neice."

"Fine. I got this." He said and strayed for the stairs.

I sighed and looked back at Derek and Tori; to my surprise, they were looking at each other. I cleared my throat and shuffled my feet a bit, to catch their attention.

Tori claimed she was heading for the living room and took off. Derek didn't make any eye contact with me, what so ever. He seemed too distant. I tried searching his features on his face for any evidence or trace of anger. But i found nothing. And he still wasn't looking at me, so i started walking away.

"Where you going?" He called.

"Just taking a walk."

He quickly caught up to me and gently grabbed my arm and titled my chin, so i couldn't look away.

"Whats wrong?"


"Chloe." I shook out of his grasp.

"What are you hiding?" I bluntly asked.

"Nothing. I love you." Was all he said and started kissing my jaw.

I knew what he was doing. I'm not gonna lie to you and say i was completely aware of what he was doing, because i soon found us in his room and me on the bed with him kissing me.

"Derek." I breathed. He dropped his head into the crook of my neck and took a deep breath.


"I love you too."


"Mmmm... Five more minutes." I murmured.


I hit whatever i thought would make him stop calling my name. But unfortunately, it didn't shut up the noise.

I expected to find Derek, but instead i found Tori on the edge with a glass of water. I recalled what happened the last time she had a glass of water and moved away, giving her a scowl.

"What are you doing?" I asked and stood up.

"Oh, don't worry. I brought you this to drink. Tomas called and said you need way more fluids now that your moving along." She said and handed me the glass.

"Tomas called?"

"Yeah. But he didn't exactly call for you, he called for your aunt."

"My aunt?"

"Yeah, he likes her for sure."

"How do you know that?" I questioned.

"Come on Chloe. You can clearly tell; all the flowers, the winks and not to mention when he kissed her cheek." Wow. Now i really think she thought i was stupid. Hey, I'm tired ok?

"So what are we doing?" I asked, changing the subject.

"We? You mean you. You, have plans with Derek today."

"I do?"

"You do. Now get up and have a shower."

She walked over to the closet and started picking out some ensembles for my out fit.

"So is it like a date then?" I asked and slipped into a robe.

She looked at me like i was some psychotic poodle.

I shook my head and waved off the comment, already knowing the answer and started getting ready for my shower.

Yes its a date

Thanks Mr.Obvious

Why'd you ask then?

Just to clarify


Oh shut up

I didn't say anything, i was just clarifying for you babe

Right, leave my mind. I'm trying to take a shower

I can only imagine

Aw too bad you cant have

I could actually feel the anger surging through my body. Hah. Good. Serves him right.

Chloe hurry up or I'm throwing you in the pond in ten minutes

Damn it. Damn you Derek. Ugh.

See you in thirty

Chloe and Derek- A New BeginningWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt