Chapter 12

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I'm gonna be pregnant with your baby. He flipped me around so i was facing him. The glint in his emerald eyes had me caught in a daze.

"Chloe." He said.

"Look before you freak out and leave, let me just do this." I grabbed his face and smashed my lips to his. The kiss turned into hunger and passion. I was running out of breath. We soon parted and lay back down panting, with me resting my head on his stomach.

"I'll never leave you."

"I know. But honestly, I'm not ready to be a mom, Derek. It's not that i don't want to be... It's just-"

"Your only 15, and turning 16 in 9 days. Chloe, thats understandable. You're not ready." He finished for me.

"You're gonna be a dad." I said quietly and looked away.

"And I'm not ready either."

"You seem so calm about this, i was almost in tears when my mom told me."

"You never did tell me what happened..." He paused.

"Well-" i heard a blood curdling scream and we both jumped up and race for the door, along with a disorientated Simon.

We all ran to the kitchen and found Tori, staring at her reflection in the fridge.

You said you weren't ready, well i don't think you'll live in a couple of minutes from now

Thanks for the support

Well it was your smart idea

It was a pretty damn good one too... Last night

Oh Chloe, what am i going to do with you

With? Or to?

His laugh filled my mind.

You pervert

Oh so you really didn't mean it like that

Of course not!

Well how did you think you were gonna have kids in the future?

I smacked him in the chest and we all came rushing out the room, only to find Tori with a red face and scissors in her hands.

"You!" She lunged at me but i quickly ran behind the counter.

"Look at this!" She sneered.

Tori now had bangs and she looked like a 6 year old.

Chloe and Derek- A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now