Chapter 17

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"How do you like your eggs?" Kit asked.

"Sunny side up please." I replied while putting the toast in the toaster.

Everyone was still sleeping, so i decided to help Kit get breakfast ready.

"3 more days." He stated.


"Are you nervous?"

"I don't think I'll be nervous until i get slapped in the face one morning with a huge belly." I laughed.

Kit chuckled. "Good way to put it." I smiled.

"You know, I've never seen Derek so protective like this for anything. I mean he always helped his brother out and the whole being brothers thing, but... With you, there's like a certain urgency to it." He looks deep in thought.

"Well, we are mates. Maybe that has something to so with it." I suggest.

"Yes. Thats mostly the cause. But even if you weren't, you both would be like any other teenage couple. In love, but still mature."

"I think so."

He flips over the eggs. "He loves you a lot, you know?"

"How can you tell?"

"Oh, you dont know the half of it. He doesn't shut up for 2 minutes without saying he has to see you, how he needs you; not to mention, the way he looks at you and holds you. He really is willing to step up to being a father and a significant other to you."

"But i bet hes nervous as hell, i know i am."

"Nah. You guys will get over that nervousness the second you lay eyes on him/her. Besides, remember, your not alone. You have me, and your aunt. Plus, Simon and Tori seem very excited to have a niece or nephew."

I snorted. "Yeah my aunt for sure." I mumbled. He seemed to hear it, because he gave me a sad look.

"Chloe, your aunt knew you wouldn't understand any of this. Hell, i barely understand any of it. She wanted you to hear it from your mother before she got into detail with you."

"It's not just about the baby though... I still haven't forgotten what happened a few months ago, Kit."

"And neither has she. She made a mistake, she paid the consequences of it. She only had the best intentions for you. Never did she want to see you get hurt."

"But she watched as they killed others. Killed. How can anyone live with themselves after that?" I exclaimed.

"She doesn't. She tries to forget and start new, by fixing the mistakes she made with you. She helped get all of us out. And even though, those kids lives, was a debt she couldn't repay, i know that if she could take it back, she would."

I looked down. He was right. She didn't mean for any of this to happen. She wanted what she though was best for me. She wanted to forget the past, and focus on the present.

"Good morning Kit-" she stopped and looked at me. I looked up at her and she gave me a smile. "Good morning Chloe."

"Good morning." I said and continued buttering the toast.

"Oh. I think we need more salt, I'm gonna go check and see if there's any in the pantry." Kit said, and with that, he headed for the pantry.

"Did you sleep-" she started.

"I'm sorry!" She looked shock at my sudden apology and closed her mouth into a tight line.

"For what, sweetheart?" She went to grab my hand, but i pulled back.

"For being like this. For treating you like crap. For blaming you. All you wanted was the best and an easy life for me, and i took it the wrong way." Tears were forming in my eyes.

"I know, you dont have to explain anything. I think its me who should be saying I'm sorry." I looked at her confused.

"I need to put myself in your shoes. To understand how you feel about this all and how hard it must be to know that you've been lied to, by one of the people you trust." She paused, the continued on.

"After my brother and your mother died, i vowed from that day, that you would never be the next. And i know, i didnt even mention the gift, but how could i? How do you tell your 15 year old niece, thats shes gonna be be pregnant when shes 16, whether she likes it or not?"

"I understand. But I'm still sorry aunt Lauren." I looked down. She grabbed my hand.

"I'm sorry as well." We both smiled at each other and began to laugh.

Suddenly there was a loud alarm and for the first time, i saw the toaster blowing out black smoke.

Derek, Simon and Tori came rushing in the room. Aunt Lauren started getting cloths and shaking them in the air trying to less the smoke.

Derek and Simon got glasses of water and started spraying and splashing the toaster.

Tori was just staring at all the commotion. The room went silent and we were all staring at each other.

"I leave for 2 minutes, and the place almost burns down." Kit states as he puts the eggs on the counter.

As we all start cleaning up, we hear a knock on the door. Kit walks over and answers the door. A man that looked like he was in his thirties, stood looking angry.

"There have been disturbances again, from this suite. There have been many complaints, and I'm asking you all to leave. I want everyone out of here by Tuesday." The concierge said and headed out.

Its ok, we need a bigger place anyways

But where?

My dad and Lauren will figure things out, dont worry


We did need a bigger place, i mean with the baby and all.

As much as everyone assured me today, that we would find something better, it still didn't change my mood.

I didn't get breakfast.

Chloe and Derek- A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now