Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

I spent the next hour trying to clean my favourite shirt. With no luck.

"Chloe, ill buy you a new one, don't worry." Derek cooed and rubbed my back.

"Its fine."

He hummed and turned me around. I stared into his eyes and bent his head down, looking at me under his lashes. It was cute. I kissed his nose and laughed. I got changed into leggings and his blue underarmour sweater.

I could hear the water running and him brushing his teeth.

"I'm still hungry."

"You're always hungry."

"Is that a fat joke?"

"No, its a pregnant joke."

"That joke was so funny, i forgot to laugh." I remarked.


"I feel like Swiss Chalet. Mmm, chicken." A pause. "Derek! Im salivating over chicken."

He opened the door wider and stared at me. "Salivating? Thats a new one for you."

I flipped him off and huffed.

"It's 12am. Nothing's opened."

"Can we make it then?" I pouted and rubbed my belly for dramatic effect. Jennifer Lawrence would be proud of my acting skills.

He sighed and held out his hand. I took it and hopped off the bed, us making our way downstairs.


After an endless five minutes, we finally decided what to have with the chicken. Gravy, mash, corn and bread. But since Thanksgiving was nearing, we couldn't make that. Derek insisted i waited so it tastes better on Sunday. So, what did he end up making? Bacon and eggs. At 12:30am. Yes, we're crazy. But we like our food.

"Derek, look at the counter." I huffed and wiped the leaked oil.

"Im making you bacon and eggs and it's almost 1am." He growled.

"You're eating too!" I yelled.

"Shhhh!" He pointed to his ear and then upstairs.

Right. Werewolf hearing. I need to get used to that.

I was about to give him sass but he looked at me and started talking.

"I have to tell you something." He looked down and turned over the bacon.

"What?" I was getting nervous by the minute. He was tense and i could sense it.

"So, my biological parents are staying here, right?" I nodded for him to continue. "And i found out that i have two sisters." He waited for my reaction.

"That's amazing!" I exclaimed.

"Well, yeah." He breathed in. "They're coming tomorrow."

"How old are they?"

"The youngest is eight and the oldest is thirteen." He was deep in thought.

I nodded and smiled to myself.

Derek's life drastically changed so much. Everyone looks at my life like it's changed so much because I'm pregnant. But what about him... he grew up so fast. He became Alpha of a pack, his parents found him and want to be in his life, he found out that Tori was his step sister with another added two coming and he was gonna be a father.

That's a hell of a ride to be on.

I grabbed his face and kissed him. I wanted to show him my appreciation, but all i could do was kiss him.

We breaked for air and he rest his forehead against mine.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I kissed his lips one more time before going back to the stove.


"Derek, we need the night stand set up here. The girls are gonna want to put their stuff away somewhere." I yelled downstairs.

"Hang on, I'm getting the teddy bears and shit you insisted we needed." He yelled back. I laughed.

Derek's little sisters were coming today and there was much to do to prepare for their stay here. I was excited, and Derek was more anxious. He never did well with new people considering all he claimed he needed was Simon, Kit and I, but I know deep down he was excited to meet more of his family.

Right now we're preparing for his youngest sister's room, her name was Jade. The other one's name is Ally.

As I was putting the pink bed sheets on the bed, I hear footsteps near the door.

"Busy?" I turned to see Derek's mom standing at the door, I gave her a small smile.

"Very." I said and fluffed some pillows.

"You know, when Derek was younger, he'd always dreamed of finding a mate as soon as he knew what he was. Believe it or not, he was definitely a ladies man." I laughed at this.

"Derek doesn't seem like the type to go out of his way for people he doesn't know." I said.

"He wasn't always like that, you know." She looked down at her hands. "He used to be so talkative and would always try and get into conversations." She smiled. "Now he's the big, bad Alpha... just like his father was. And he has an amazing mate to take good care of him."

She inched closer, wanted to hug me and I leaned in, not wanting to upset her.

"Do you need some help?" She asked after we broke apart. "I would love to learn some new things about my new daughter in law."

I smiled.


Hours passed and we are exhausted. It was almost time for the girls to get here and meet Derek. We both went downstairs to get a snack. Well, I got a meal and she got a snack.

I walked to the deck to find Derek standing at the edge looking out to the woods.

"You know, this is probably more nerve racking than knowing I'm gonna be a father." He said and pulled me towards him. I snuggled deeper into his embrace.

"They'll love you. Im sure of it." I reassured him.

He held me tighter and rubbed my stomach.

"Derek, Chloe?" My aunt called.

"We never really do get a moment do we?" He asked. I looked up and kissed his cheek.


"The girls are here." Kit cheered.

"Here goes."  We walked in, hand in hand.

Chloe and Derek- A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now