Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

“Who are you?” 

“Sweetheart,” the women with blonde hair reached for my arm, but i quickly pulled away and tried to stand up. 

Where was I? I looked around me, and saw that i was on a beach with many people. But that’s not what was bothering me. It was these five people that were crowding around, and staring at me. It was actually kinda scary, i didn’t know these people and yet they wouldn’t leave me alone. I tried getting up, but my knees wobbled and i stumbled to the side, but the tall guy with the dark brown hair quickly scooped me up and just held me. 

I felt sparks go up my arm and my entire body shivered. He looked at me with those sea green eyes, they sparkled in astonishment, but then that slowly faded and saddened. 

“You don’t know who i am, do you?” He whispered and squeezed tighter, but gently. 

“S-sorry, no.” I squeaked. I looked up at him. He looked quite familiar, but i just couldn't place it. One thing i did know, was that those weird tingles shooting up my arm, kept me from pulling away. He was handsome actually. 

“Bro, let go.” A blonde haired guy stood at his side and smiled sadly at me. 

“No, she has to remember.” He growled and pushed me against his chest. “Please remember.” He begged. 

I pulled away. “Im sorry, remember?” 

“Come on, you’re gonna scare her and then we’re screwed.” The blonde said, but the other guy wasn’t letting go. 

“Chloe, come on hun.” Aunt Lauren? Wow, she looked different. I didn't even recognize her at first. I pried myself from the dark haired guy and raced to her arms. She stroked my hair and whispered in my ear.

“Im sorry.” I felt a poke in my arm and felt my body go limp. The last thing that i remember happening, was the dark haired boy holding me, and i passed out. 


“Why isn't she remembering?” 

“She hit her head off the plane, this isn't anything serious.”

“How is it not serious? She doesn't remember me or anyone and on top of that, i don't think that she’s gonna be too accepting when she finds out that she’s pregnant and she's only 16!” 

“Derek, i know. But right now, we need to stay calm and just try and help her remember.” 

“I need her.” He pleaded. 

“We all do, but this takes time.” A mans voice said. 

I was pregnant. I hope aunt Lauren isn't mad, i mean i don't remember getting pregnant. And apparently i hit my head; which is actually hurting a lot right now. 

Chloe and Derek- A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now