Chapter 11

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I finished my 'revenge' on Tori; i wont mention what i did because eventually, you'll find out. Anyway, after my mission, i hopped in Derek's bed and slept with him for the night. It took begging, screaming and Simon sleeping in the same room as us, for aunt Lauren to allow it.

I glanced at the time and noticed it was four in the morning. I toss and turned. I really couldn't fall asleep.

Maybe its your guilty conscience

I don't have a guilty conscience!

Then get some sleep

I cant

And why cant you

Because i cant

My point exactly

What point?

Your guilt tripped

Am not!

What are we, five? Chloe, do you know how pissed shes gonna be when she wakes up and takes one look in the mirror

Well she deserves it. I spent god knows how many hours trying to get that damn dye to come off

At least she didnt-

No she didnt. Thats why i did it first

Lord help me

Too bad, he's busy right now trying to make sense of this situation I'm in now

Not even the Greek gods can make sense of this situation, you both are impossible

Love you too-note the sarcasm babe

I heard him chuckle, then wrap his arms around me even tighter than before.

"I love you back a hundred times more Chloe." He whispered.

I smiled to myself.

"Please get some sleep." He said and kissed me gently on the lips.

I'll try.


"Chloe baby, you have to get up now." My mother said.

Wait, my mother?


"Yes sweetheart, its me. Look i don't have much time to talk."

"Am i dead?"

"Oh god no, Chloe. I'm here to tell you some news."

Am i still sleeping? This cant be real.

"Listen baby, please. I know its hard to believe, but this is the only way i can talk to you for now."

"So we'll be able to talk in the future?" I asked hopefully.

"Well, yes. But let me explain how."

I nodded.

"Okay, well there's obviously things you should know about being a necromancer with my blood." She paused, trying to think over what she was going to say.

"So you know when i had you, i was 16 right?"

"Aunt Lauren said you were 21...?"

"She had to lie to protect you. Well i thought i was protecting you-" i cut her off.

"Mom, please continue."

"Sorry. Well, i was 16 when i had you."

"So what does this have to do with me talking to you when I'm conscious?" I asked confused.

"I'm getting there. When my bother died, i wasn't able to talk to him; that was...until i had you. See, family members by blood, aren't allowed to share any communication, whether alive or dead."

I stared at her in utter shock.

"So basically in order to talk to you normally-well if you call talking to the dead, normal- i have to get pregnant?!" I basically yelled.

"No. When your 16." She stated calmly.



"I'm 15! And my birthday is in 9 days!"

"I know. Your too young to carry a child and raise it and care for it. You could always give it up-"

"No! I would never give up my child no matter the circumstances."

"I'm glad to hear that. Look, Chloe, i know you will be scared at first, but when that baby is born, you will be shocked at the precious thing that you brought onto this planet. You will be an amazing mother Chloe. I know your too young and a mother would never agree to this baby-making stuff, but you have no choice."

"What do you mean i have no choice? I think its kinda my choice if i wanna have sex or not."

"You don't need to have sex to get pregnant when your a Saunders with necro blood. On midnight the day before your birthday, which would practically be the starting of the morning, god will give you a gift. And because necromancers are supposedly all about death, the Saunders 'curse' gives us life. Your ancestors didn't like the fact that everyone looked at them as freaks and death makers, so they got a witch to put a spell on us to give life instead of death. When we reach the peak stage of our powers, life takes over and grants us with a child. They made that age 16."

"So basically in 9 days, I'm gonna be with child?" I said slowly.

"Yes. Just like i was with you." She smiled.


"Chloe i love you baby. I have to go. You need rest. And whenever you need me, I'll be in your dreams."

"But mom-"

"No Chloe. Baby, please- i have to go. I'll see you tomorrow. I love you."

"I love you too mom."


I woke up feeling dizzy. Oh god, the dream. Was it even a dream? Or could i really talk to my mom in my sleep? I hope it was the second one.

Wait, if this is real, then I'm gonna be pregnant in 9 days with Derek's baby.


Oh.My.God. He is gonna flip. What if he doesn't want to be with me when he finds out he's gonna be a dad? What if-

"Morning." He whispers in my ear. All my worries start to fade away, just hearing his voice and feeling his arms around me, makes me feel like he actually loves me.

I do love you

You wont in time though...

What do you mean?


Chloe, please tell me.

I had a dream.


And my mom was there, and apparently when i turn 16, I'm gonna be....

Be what?

I'm gonna be pregnant with your baby.

Chloe and Derek- A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now