Part 48

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Since Haruto's identity as a prince got exposed, girls stopped approaching him completely. Instead, they would just fangirl from far. The rest of the students don't even dare to approach Haruto and the Japanese boys. Especially since not long after Haruto's identity was leaked, the identity of the rest of the Japanese boys were also leaked.

"Ahh... I miss this kind of attention," Yuta commented as the Japanese boys walked through the campus with every student looking at them with admiration and making way for them.

"It feels like we're back in Japan now," Mashiho added. "Looks like your normal life dream is gone now, Ruto."

Haruto was quite upset that his identity got exposed. But he knew it would happen eventually. After all, one just had to google his name and his face would be the first to come up.

"You guys go home first, I'll pick Junkyu up." Haruto said.


As Junkyu was leaving the lecture hall, he saw Haruto waiting for him outside. Everyone was looking at the Japanese prince who looked absolutely stunning leaning against the wall, lazily scanning the crowd that was swarming out of the lecture room. A gentle smile appeared on Haruto's face as he saw Junkyu.

This wasn't the first time Haruto waited for Junkyu. In fact, Haruto would always pick him up after every class as long as their schedules aligned.

Before Junkyu found out that Haruto was a prince, he actually thought that Haruto liked him and would eventually ask him to be his boyfriend. Afterall, Haruto was already pampering him like they were a couple. But that idea crumbled when he found out Haruto's identity. With such a big title, he knew it was impossible for them to be together. And Junkyu knows that Haruto is not irresponsible enough to pursue someone he could never be with.

"Ready to go?" Haruto asked.

"Yeah," Junkyu nodded. "Can we stop by the mall today? It's my mom's birthday soon and I want to buy her a gift."

"Oh sure thing," Haruto agreed.


"Can we get bubble tea first?" Junkyu asked when they arrived at the mall.

Haruto of course agreed to Junkyu's little request. After Junkyu got his bubble tea, he noticed a familiar figure in the cafe across. Junkyu walked closer to the cafe to confirm his suspicions.

True enough, his mother was inside the cafe. In front of him was a man Junkyu does not recognise. His mother's expression did not look good. She looked tense and uncomfortable. Junkyu can tell that his mom did not want to talk to the guy.

Without even bothering to explain to Haruto, Junkyu went inside the cafe to try and get his mom away from the man.

"Hey mom," Junkyu greeted.

"Junkyu!" Mrs Kim was startled. "What are you doing here?"

"I was going to buy groceries." Junkyu lied before looking at the man. "And this is?..." Junkyu trailed off, waiting for his mom to introduce him.

The man looked scary. He was wearing a semi formal attire but he exuded a very intimidating aura. His facial features were sharp and just above his right eyebrow was a faint scar.

"O- oh this uhm... is Cho Dohwan... an old acquaintance of mine," Mrs Kim nervously introduced the strange man.

"Hello Mr Cho." Junkyu curtly nodded at the man who was looking at him from head to toe, as if assessing him. Junkyu found this very creepy and couldn't wait to get his mom away. "I hope you don't mind but I need to borrow my mom. I need her help with the groceries."

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