Huge Twist

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'What...? Isnt it supposed to be the name of Jinho ?'

"Ah! Seo-yeon! Your friends with Chareum and Hayan right?"

"Yeah I am!"

Well they started a fight in our class! Please stop them! Your the only one who can do it!"

'These characters....really...'
"Oh um of course! Which class was it again?"

"Class 9"

"I see, well then Ill see you after lunch then Jinho."

He ignores me and eated his lunch.

I left the classroom and could hear from outside the class 9 The two friends and The white haired male lead argue.

'Everything is going off plot...this wasnt supposed to happen.Nothings going to change right?'

"YOU BASTARD! How dare you make fun of her!"

"I didn't make fun of her. Besides i was just saying the truth."

'Sigh, who is this 'girl' ruining the plot. The moment i find her I'm going to kill her.'

"Seo-yeon doesn't have a bad personality like you bastard!"

"What did call me!? I was just giving you a heads up!"

'You have got to be serious right now...It was me? Its better to stay quiet and-'

"Seo-yeon! why didn't you wait for me?"

The voice of the female lead attracted the attention into me.

'This idiot-!'

"She's Seo-yeon?"
"So she's the main reason why they're fighting?"
"How ridiculous"
"Why is she getting attention? How unfair..."

"Um! Chareum please stop what youre doing!" I acted flustered trying to stop them from arguing.

"Seo-yeon! This bastard trash talked you!"

"I didnt you-!"

"Its really alright! Chareum and Hayan Can you guys come with me?" I cutted the white male lead's words.

"Sure..." Chareum responded in a gentle way and both nodded and followed me outside the room and had a discussion. Chareum goes inside the classroom.

"You're lucky that I was hungry. Lets go guys."

The voice of the white male lead suddenly pops up.

"Think about what I said."

We left the classroom and ate together to get the angriness away. They enjoyed eating lunch with me. While I... didn't think much of it because they were all nothing but a  character.

I left first and went straight ahead to my classroom.

Class started and Ended.
I lay my head on to my desk and closed my eyes. I somehow had a urge to leave later than usual. I could hear footsteps tapping in the classroom of the characters leaving the room and talking. I always thought that I couldn't leave here since I tried everything to leave the moment I came here, I tried killing myself but just ended up healing immediately, I also tried starving myself but my stomach cant starve neither fill up. I thought that I would just have to wait for the plot to finish to get home but to think a single paper could help me in only words.

I opened my eyes and saw Jinho sitting in his seat beside me just like what the novel said. At that moment I was having second choices.

Whether to stay here and interact with him and be good friends and be able to go home but endure the most painful pain. Or,  leave him alone and leave early like always and let the plot roll out.

I lifted my head and chose the decision to...

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