𝟝. ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖

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The black car pulled up outside the entrance, Namjoon climbing out immediately to open the door for Taehyung. He hated this, how can these killers act so kind towards them, humans are their food. Namjoon held a hand out but Taehyung slapped it away, giving the taller male a glare. The vampire held his hands up in defeat and pointed to the front door "let's get you to your room, you must be tired." He said.

"Aren't you going to tag me first?" Taehyung asked as he was expecting to be forced down as they pierced his ear. Namjoon shook his head "no, the king doesn't like the look of them." He explained while they were allowed the enter the palace. He felt relieved at this, he also didn't like the tags. Taehyung hid his shock at the beautiful interior, keeping his eyes cast down.

"Follow me." Namjoon said as he took off leading the human through the palace. There was less candles on this side of the palace, making it darker but still able to see all the paintings and pretty colours around him. Namjoon stopped finally, it felt like he had gone on a hike...

He unlocked the door and pushed it open, it was well lit in there so Taehyung unknowingly smiled in relief. He wasn't a fan of the dark despite working in a cave for so long, he always had his handy flash light with him though. "Sorry about the light situation, our king likes to keep the building authentic." He said. Taehyung knew it was another rehearsed line but didn't say anything as he walked into the large bedroom.

"There is running water though?" Taehyung asked quickly, he valued his personal health. "Yes, Jungkook likes his baths." The vampire replied. "Jungkook?" Taehyung asked confused. Namjoon mentally cursed from accidentally spilling the kings name "uhm no one." Namjoon answered, clenching his teeth. Taehyung shrugged it off and continued looking around the room, trying to hide how much he likes it.

The bed was large, he would just sink and disappear in it, not to be seen in days. He could also pull the flowery curtain around for privacy but Taehyung just saw it as a place to hide away. There was a closet, drawers, bedside table and a mirror to fill up the empty space. He noticed the makeup table in the corner too which confused him a little. To the left was an ensuite with towels and cleaning products already left there.

"There are extra clothes in the closet and drawers, they should fit you. I'll let you get settled in." Namjoon bid farewell, leaving the room and making sure to lock him in. He knew Taehyung was a flight risk, and it wouldn't be the first time that someone runs away in fear. Taehyung sighed, he set his sights on the bathroom, wanting to be clean. He started the shower, waiting for it to warm up and stepping out his clothes. Soon he was humming from the warmth, doing his usual cleaning routine, liking the smell of the body wash.

'Must be expensive stuff' he thought. He didn't want to admit that it was the best shower he had ever had. He reluctantly stepped out of the heat after he was done and wrapped a towel around his body. He walked to the drawers, opening to grab some basic silk pyjamas and boxers, quickly getting changed. He decided to check the other clothes to see if they were his style.

After approving of half the stuff, he opened the last one but jumped away, feeling his cheeks heat up. "What the fuck!?" He shouted and eyed the contents again. He gulped, seeing a bunch of hand cuffs and rope with a dildo sat right next to it. He shoved it closed and ran to the bed, jumping into the soft covers. His cheeks had completely flushed "he better not bring those anywhere near me." He mumbled to himself before closing his eyes.

It didn't take long for him to succumb to sleep, he was exhausted.


Taehyung was so comfortable, the fresh bed sheets smelling of lavender and a mattress that just let him sink like he wanted. He let out a satisfied noise, not wanting to fully wake up so he rolled over and buried himself even more. He groaned when he heard the unlocking of his door followed by a knocking, he's not replying. 'Fuck that.' He thought. The door opened a moment later "Please get ready, the king is expecting you." Namjoon's voice lulled him further away from sleep. He lazily sat up, hair stuck up in different places.

The human huffed, climbing out of the bed and sending a glare Namjoon's way. The vampire stepped out while Taehyung picked some clothes to wear, avoiding one particular drawer. He pulled on the expensive fabrics and used his own shoes, making sure to brush his hair and then teeth before stepping out of the room. Taehyung's nerves decided to hit him all at once, his stomach wanting to do flips. "You're going to accompany him for breakfast." Namjoon stated as he began leading Taehyung through the palace again.

Another trekk.

They soon found their way to a large dining room, Taehyung let his mouth hang open from the size of the table alone. He spotted human women setting an empty tray at one particular spot, right next to the throne looking seat. He fidgeted on his feet until Namjoon nudged him forward. He reluctantly sat down feeling so out of place in this expensive looking palace. The empty seat next to him making his mind go hazy with fear so he decided to keep his head down. He found interest in fiddling with his fingers, the silence from the large room not doing anything to help.

He flinched when some double doors opened with a boom, followed by heavy footsteps.

"I'm starving."

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