𝟞. 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕧𝕚𝕟𝕘

248 19 10

The footsteps stopped and Taehyung felt the presence of the king standing near him. He was trembling and kept his head down, staring at his hands like his life depended on it. A sudden grip on his jaw pulled his face to look up, accidentally meeting eyes with the king. He widened his eyes and looked away quickly while the raven haired king studied his face. "I've fed from men before, always tasted disgusting." He spat and pushed Taehyung's jaw slightly.

The pure blood vampire took his seat and leaned back, watching how the blood maid didn't know what to do with himself. He had to admit he was a very beautiful human, seeing tan skin rather than the pale vampire one was refreshing. The grey hair caressed and shaped his face well, bringing out his delicate features. Namjoon had explained this to him early in the morning, he was a rare blood. Despite the kings fairly long life, he still hadn't had the pleasure of tasting one as they were snatched up as soon as they're discovered.

He leaned forward and used a deep, commanding voice "give me your wrist." Taehyung bravely looked up and saw the serious and dark look on his face. He blinked and shakily lifted his trembling arm and held it out to him. Tears began silently falling as the king grabbed his arm and suddenly sank his fangs in his wrist. It hurt like a bitch but Taehyung only let out a soft whimper, biting his gum to hide his pain. His free hand was balled in a fist "holy shit." He heard the vampire say.

He hadn't even realised the vampire had moved away, the spot still stinging and thumping with pain. He felt himself get grabbed, the king leaning in to bite his neck. Jungkook found himself pausing when he heard the scream of fear come from the human in his arms. He felt the weak hand fisting his clothes while the screams turned to sobs. "All this noise for no reason." He whispered in the males ear. "S-Sorry." Taehyung stuttered, the king was surprised from the deep voice.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and sank his fangs into the males neck, actually moaning from the taste. Taehyung was letting out whimpers, still tightly gripping the clothes of the king while his blood was taken. Before he got too light headed, the king detached himself from Taehyung's soft neck. The kings eyes glowed bright red "fuck, your blood..." he said almost mesmerised by it. Taehyung wanted to run away but the tight grip on his wrist would stop him.

"Joon." He said with a loud voice followed by the doors opening and Namjoon stepping in. He bowed "Yes your majesty?"

"Bring him to me after he's eaten, i'll be in my study." He gave his order, letting go of his wrist and walking away. "Of course, your majesty." He replied just as food began to be placed on the tray by the other human workers. Taehyung was starving but still looked at the food reluctant to just divulge himself. "Please eat to gain some strength." The knight said.

Taehyung took his seat again, now thinking of the appearance of the king. They were about the same height yet Taehyung felt so small around him. He looked young but Taehyung knew better than to fall for it, he could be 1000 and still look the same. His features could be considered cute yet his hardened look takes away all the innocence. To put is simply, Taehyung thinks he looks like a brat.

He then focused on the food, feeling his stomach rumble. He gave in, the pancake with syrup calling his name, he moaned at the first bite. He completely forgot about the bites on his neck and wrist as he devoured the food. A woman took a seat next to him, her smile reminding him of his mother. She looked the same age too...

"I'm Mary, i'll wrap those bites." She said with a kind voice, almost soothing Taehyung of his fear. He gave a timid smile in return and held his wrist out which she took, immediately getting to work. She was done with both bites in a matter of minutes "i'll see you around, young one." She muttered while walking away, seeming to move on with different tasks. Namjoon, who had been watching the whole encounter, walked up to Taehyung. "It's time to go." He said.

Taehyung huffed and stood from the table, he missed Jimin, they would laugh and have fun. Here, it was awful, being terrified all the time.

He followed the knight wordlessly and began humming a song to try and calm his nerves. He hated silence, it gave his mind the freedom to wander and he couldn't bare his thoughts alone. Namjoon didn't bother interrupting, it that was how the human coped the let it be. When he had guided him to the study, that's when he spoke up "we're here."

Taehyung stopped his humming, mind jumping back into reality, realising he now had to face the vampire king again. Namjoon nudged the human forward to say it was alright to go in. Taehyung reached forward, fumbling with the handle and slowly opening the door. Again the room was impressive...

His ogling of the room was interrupted by Jungkook's booming voice "come here!" He ordered, his tone firm. Taehyung flinched slightly but walked towards the large, cushioned chair where the vampire had settled himself. The king looked at Taehyung's soft features, his attention taken from the book he was reading. He tapped his foot "you can sit there." He said, now using a normal indoor voice.

Taehyung looked at the carpet and decided against questioning the king, sitting next to his feet. "Good boy." Jungkook's soft voice spoke, patting the blood maids head. Taehyung found this awfully degrading but that's what he was now; someone's property... someone's food. The king did not remove his hand from his head, playing and running his hand through the grey locks.

A silence befell the room, their breaths as well as the sound of the clock was all that sounded. Jungkook's hand would move to turn the page every few minutes but would immediately tangle his fingers back in the soft hair. Taehyung found this suffocating, he had nothing to do but sit there and obey. His mind could only focus on the throbbing from the bite marks. He daren't move and inch but I guess he could admit that he enjoyed his hair being played with.

What felt like an hour passed before a subtle knock was placed on the opposite side of the door. It opened to reveal Namjoon "sorry to bother you your majesty, you have guests. They're waiting in the throne room." He said. "Who is it?" The king asked, not even looking away from his book. "The first guest is Eunwoo, knight from the police. The other is Yoongi, back with a message." Namjoon revealed.

Taehyung heard the book close and the hand retract from his hair, the king stepping from his seat. "I'll be there in 10." He told Namjoon. "Yes, your majesty." He replied with a bow, the knight leaving after. Taehyung felt the king's gaze on him despite keeping his eyes cast down. The human hadn't moved an inch still.

Jungkook placed his hand under the latter's chin, forcing him to look up. The king didn't expect his eyes to look that sensual from this angle, he cleared his throat from the thought. "You're to follow me, and seat yourself like this by the throne." He explained, referring to the way Taehyung was sat right now. "Do you understand?" The king asked, voice holding power. "Y-yes, your m-majesty." Taehyung stammered.



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