𝟛𝟞. 𝔸 𝕋𝕙𝕦𝕕

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AN this will probably need editing in future but oh well. Enjoy ;)

The dark forest was rocky and half covered with snow providing a slippy surface for the terrified human. Taehyung still gripped his stomach tightly, blood seeping from the wound, a trail of droplets left by his feet. He looked at all the red eyes staring back at him at the tree line. There was hundreds and he was one.

His cries for help had all been in vain, Jungkook could not hear him. He wasn't listening, perhaps distracted.

His attempt at hiding had caused him to become injured, slipping and landing on a rusted arrow. The forest was old, it was home to many battles in the past so it's no surprise that there are remnants.

The intruding vampires had been teasing him, using his fear against him. Only one male vampire stood out, he was chuckling the whole time, singing his name in a teasing manner.

He doesn't know how long he had been running for but soon the forest sloped upwards.

All of a sudden, all he could hear was his shaky breath along with the thudding of his heart. Taehyung came to a clearing, a dead end since it was a cliff, there was no where else to turn. This was it, the end, his end. His feet dented the snow as he neared the cliff edge some more "J-Jimin." He whispered out for his soulmate and sniffled a moment later.

He let his weight lean back, disappearing over the edge in the blink of an eye.

A loud thud echoing in the quiet forest.

"Do you see him over there?" Jimin whispered to his best friend while tugging on his sleeve. Taehyung followed Jimin's gaze to find a male around their age hard at work. He was gardening in the local park that he and Jimin visit quite often.

"Yes, what about him?" Taehyung questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

Jimin smirked at his clueless best friend "i've caught him staring at you quite a few times." He revealed. "Ew! A pedo?" Taehyung scrunched his nose in disgust.

Jimin panicked slightly "no no! Tae, I think he likes you." He stated and nudged his arm playfully.

"Oh." Taehyung muttered, a slight blush on his cheeks. "But...you're my soulmate Jimin." Taehyung spoke a moment later, a pout on his lips. Jimin chuckled "yes i'm your soulmate but don't you want to fall madly in love with someone?" He questioned, running a hand through his soft locks.

"No, my Jiminie is enough." Taehyung instantly replied, resting his head on Jimin's shoulder.

Jimin cooed at Taehyung's cuteness, he doesn't see it often since they are always so stressed. This was a rare occasion.

"Fine Taehyung...wait...TAEHYUNG!"

Taehyung sat up in shock, staring at Jimin's terrified face. "J-Jimin, what's w-wrong?" He asked, shocked at seeing blood tears falling from Jimin's eyes.

Suddenly the sky was dull, clouds attempting to rain as he felt the few drops landing on his face. Now the pain set in and he whimpered, letting a groan out after he attempted to move.

He had landed in snow, it was slowly turning a dark red around him, his whimpers growing louder.

The snow had only broken his fall a little bit, as soon as he landed he passed out. He finally heard the echo of his name in the forest, not knowing who was approaching. The voice seemed frantic and broken, surely it wasn't Jungkook?

A vampire being emotional?

Taehyung eyelids slowly began to close, they were growing heavier by the second from his blood loss. His pain also slowly leaving him, his body seeming to relax, mind drifting away. It wasn't looking so good for him.

"Shit." The voice was deep but definitely not belonging to Jungkook. "You were supposed to catch him in the forest Louis!" A female voice chirped in suddenly. "I was having fun, I didn't think he'd jump off in fear!" The male defended themselves.

The female scoffed "my love, we were supposed to feed from him, what a waste." She spoke while watching the blood pool out of the human.

The man shrugged his shoulders "Angelo and Ezekiel are waiting to hear from us, we should go plus I can hear the king nearing us." He said, shoving his hands into his blazer pockets while a smirk rested on his face.

Another scoff from the woman "let's go." She said and rolled her eyes at her lover. How could he fuck up a simple job? They sped off just in time to avoid an angry king showing up to the scene, his eyes weirdly watery once he saw the sight.

Is he...crying?

It was silent, only the crunch of snow underneath his feet. No heartbeat. There's no fucking heartbeat.

He kneeled on the deep red snow staring at the beautiful human, gulping at the guilt he felt. Even now Taehyung just looked like he was sleeping, if it wasn't for the blood sprayed across his face. It was now that Jungkook realised he was feeling something for this human, his blood maid.

He was too late.

"Fuck, this hurts." He muttered and gripped the clothes covering his chest, sniffling as more and more tears fell from his eyes. "Why does it hurt? STOP!" He shouted as sobs left his mouth.

His body began trembling uncontrollably from the overwhelming emotions.

He glanced down at his lifeless blood maid, growing colder by the minute. "Ah fucking hell, fuck it!" He shouted at himself yet again. His teeth began to elongate as well as a second pair, it stung greatly since Jungkook had never used this second set before.

His eye turned an inky black with spots of red throughout, he truly looked like a monster. Lines of black extended from his eyes as his body produced the evil venom. His body was in agony but not as much as his heart was feeling.

He gently picked Taehyung up into his arms and sunk his double set of fangs into the humans shoulder. The effect was immediate, Taehyung's eyes flying open and a scream of agony echoing around the forest.

Jungkook couldn't stop though, not until all the venom had entered Taehyung's veins. The human passed out before Jungkook had finished, letting him focus on transferring the venom.

It was a long five minutes before Jungkook began to remove his fangs, eyes immediately gazing down at Taehyung's beautiful features. He traced a finger down the side of his face, watching how the tan skin began to turn a lighter shade.

He sighed and looked into the dark forest.

"What have I done...?"

"Son, promise you will never use our inherited gift, it is not something you should abuse."

"...I promise dad."

"Great, now let's go see your mother Jungkook."


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