𝟜𝟛. 𝔸 𝔽𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕙 𝔽𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘

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"Jin your food is so good, what's your secret?" A young female called Isabelle hovered around the chef, wanting to be his new apprentice. Jin chuckled at her cuteness.

"Ah, my secret recipe's are secret for a reason." He stated jokingly, laughing when he heard her huff.

"No faiirrr, I want to know!" She whined with a pout, crossing her arms. She was too young to be handling hot food in the kitchen, but Jin had promised her many times that he would teach her when she is older.

Jin smiled and picked up some random spices "don't tell any one...this is what I use." He whispered, showing her the spices in his hand. Her small cheeks raised into a smile, the gap in her teeth on full view.

"Okay, I won't tell anyone!" She spoke loudly, letting it echo around that many passerby's heard.

Jin laughed and gave her the spices, straightening up so he can continue cooking. He had many to feed...

"They're back!" He heard someone scream, which echoed everywhere to alert everybody.

Jin widened his eyes, it had been a long day for him, Isabelle providing a nice distraction to his worried mind. He quickly set the food onto a low heat which allowed it to simmer and ran out of his small kitchen to where he knew they would be.

There was already other humans running in the same direction to catch a glimpse of the survivors.

"Three injured! Where's the doctor!?" He heard someone shout in annoyance. Jin's heart skipped a beat, was he injured? He pushed past a few onlookers and saw the big group of men and women covered in cuts and vampire blood.

As he was scanning their faces, one male stood out with a half grin on his face. He eyed the growing crowd "today was only a small victory, one of many. And sadly we lost some brave volunteers...we will have a minute silence later on." He spoke, everybody focused and listening to him.

"Those evil blood suckers won't get away with their control any longer!" He shouted, the anger in his eyes evident.

Many humans cheered at these words, Jin remained silent, just glad that many of them survived the fight. "We will regroup and attack again soon." He said lastly, receiving a lot of support at this idea.

The men and women, who had all lowered their masks by now, began heading to their rooms to clean up. Once most had gone, he approached the male and hugged him tightly "must you fight?" He questioned, releasing him from his hold.

"They could gain the upper hand so easily, i've been worried all day." Jin added as the other male sighed.

"I need to do this, if i'm ever going down, I sure as hell will take at least 2 of the fuckers with me." They spat, their hatred of vampires seeping from their tongue. Jin sighed "go get cleaned up, food will be served soon." He said making the other nod and wonder off to their room.

Jin watched him leave, concern in his eyes.

"I hope you know what your doing Jimin."

"Sir, what happened?" A vampire knight questioned as they finally caught sight of Taehyung.

Taehyung raised his head from the dead human on the ground "what are you talking about? Why did you leave your post?" He questioned, pretending that nothing happened.

The vampire looked at the masked male with confusion "i'm sure I heard a commotion." He mumbled, looking around the area. "Oh you're sure? Where is it then?" Taehyung questioned with authority making the vampire unsure of themselves immediately.

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