𝟛𝟜. 𝕂𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕁𝕖𝕠𝕟

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Sorry for the wait ❤️
Please let me know of spelling/grammar mistakes.


"Son, are you listening?" King Jeon spoke to his only child, Jeon Jungkook. The younger vampire nodded looking at the boarded up cave system, warning signs of 'do not enter' nailed onto it. "So repeat it to me so I know for sure that you understand." King Jeon spoke again.

Jungkook wasn't super young, he was matured and now receiving training to be an effective king.

A bunny smile etched it's way onto his face as he looked up at his slightly taller father. "I must not let anyone get into this cave for it can bring us death." He repeated the words his father had ordered. The king smiled back at his son before his expression fell neutral again.

He was about to lead his son away from the area until "—whats in there?" Jungkook worked up the courage to ask. Although he was quite close to his father, he knew that the man had a terrible temper and disliked his orders questioned. The king just chuckled "you don't want to know son." He just muttered, leading Jungkook away.

Their smart clothing was clearly showing their status in this small zone, humans bowed respectfully as they walked on by. "If you want to maintain order and let species live together in peace, you keep that place boarded up, although I will be here to make sure you do." King Jeon said, arms resting behind his back.

Jungkook copied him, placing his arms in that smart way too. He always looked up to his father.

"Yes father." He replied, face expressionless.

Despite this answer, he could not stop the curiosity burning at him and it was building by the second. "Great, now it's been a while since we got out of Moon Hollow, I planned a trip for us." King Jeon stated as they got closer to Namjoon.

The knight stood there waiting patiently, keeping an eye out for danger.

Jungkook had a weird sensation shoot through him, not understanding it so a frown made its way onto his face. Little did he know he was just excited, funnily enough he had only let himself feel this a couple times before.

"It is a place by the mountains, many people know it as the Royal Cabin. I've already sent our blood maids ahead of us so they can settle in." King Jeon stated.

"Will mother come with us?" Jungkook questioned, avoiding eye contact with the taller male. It took him a second to realise his father had halted his steps, eyes holding a dark glare. "No." A simple answer.

Jungkook quickly nodded and bowed, it was silly of him to think that way anyway.

Namjoon clenched his jaw at the thick tension between the two royal vampires, the atmosphere completely ruined. Even the humans scurried away to mind their own business.

A minute passed and the King just sighed "let's get going son." He said, speeding away.

End of Flashback.

The night was horribly silent, the wind was not strong enough to even disrupt the peace. Except it was not peace. The room was pitch black, the curtains drawn so the moonlight can't offer comfort to the sobbing male.

The soft bedding crumpled under his tight grip and getting wetter by the second by uncontrolled tears. Why did this have to happen? Was his life doomed for misery?

Taehyung nibbled on his bottom lip, staring at the dull coloured wall, events from earlier kept replaying. He hadn't moved an inch, his shirt still ridden up as he hid underneath the bed sheets. He let out a whimper when the door slowly clicked open, candle light flowing into the room.

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